Never Telling

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Three Days Later,

Daniella's POV

I was done sitting in a damn basement, so today, I had to make a run for it. This crazy ass man really wanted me to help him kill my baby's father in order for me to make it home but he had another thing coming.

Since he'd unchained me from the pole and was allowing me to use the restroom when I needed to, I had to use that at an advantage to get out of here.

I banged on the basement door, waiting for about two minutes until I could hear someone coming. "What the fuck do you want bitch?" Ayriel's voice made my skin crawl. She too had another thing coming.

"I have to pee!"

"There's a bucket in there, isn't it? I'm not letting you out. . you better make something work." I could hear her walking away.

"Fuck you!" I shouted, already knowing that this would make her mad. She walked back towards the basement and opened the door. The two of us were standing face to face.

"Fuck you too bitch. I will kill your ass up in here. . you're lucky that Dontae's out there." She said, her voice full of hatred. I was tired of dealing with this bitch so I had to let her know who the hell I was.

Before I knew it, I punched her in her mouth and blood gushed everywhere. "You bit-" I punched her again and this time she fell at my feet, pulling me down with her.

We tussled until I got the best of her and was on top. "Get off of me bitch!" She yelled. I was sending punches to her face nonstop and this was the last that I remembered before my mind went blank.

Omniscient's POV

Minutes had passed and Ayriel and Daniella were still going at it. Ayriel had a black eye and a busted lip and Dani had a small scratch on the side of her face. It seemed as if the two wouldn't stop unless someone came to break it up.

Ayriel had a chance to get up and do what she was telling herself that she wouldn't do to Daniella but now, she was saying fuck the baby and this bitch. She sent a forceful kick to Daniella's stomach causing her to wince out and hold her stomach before she left out of the basement, locking the door behind her.

Daniella cried and was unable to move as the pains in her stomach grew sharper by the minute. "Please, lord! No!"

She knew what this was a sign and it was the last thing that she wanted. Praying silently while still holding her stomach, she could hear foot steps again but this time the person was running. . She just hoped that it wasn't Ayriel coming back for more because she was waving the white flag.

"What did she do to you?" Dontae appeared in the doorway with a look of concern on his face. Daniella couldn't even speak for crying so much and when she saw blood that surfacing on the floor under her, she cried even harder. This had to be a nightmare.

"Oh fuck!" Dontae rushed to her side and tried helping her up. He knew what this meant as well and didn't know what in the hell he would do. "Ouch!" Daniella winced as she stood up but it wasn't long before she dropped again, laying in a fetal position. The pain was too intense and was way too much to bear.

"Fuck man!" Pacing back and forth, Dontae contemplated in between trying to fix this shit himself or calling the paramedics. If he called them, he could end up in prison so it wasn't a good idea but if he didn't, this woman could lose her child because of Ayriel's stupidity.

"Yo, if I call and get some help, you better pretend like I'm the daddy." He told Daniella.

"Please! Do something!" She pleaded in between sobs. He pulled his phone out in a hurry and dialed 911.

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