Forigve Me

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Kaydence's POV

"KD, please. . ever since that night, I've been craving you." Asia said, rubbing up and down my arm. "Craving?" I asked, removing her hand off of me.

"I want you." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth. "You don't want me girl, trust me." I said, keeping it 1000.

"You can't tell me what I want. I've been thinking about you nonstop." I shook my head and walked off, thinking about Dani. I still wanted her, even though it was probably too late.

"Bag that shit up man." I demanded, referring to the Coke that was on the table.

I walked out on the porch where Ace was knocked the fuck out. My phone went off in my pocket and I pulled it out to see that Marvin was calling. I picked up. "Me and Carlos are up here, link?"

"10-4. Meet me at my crib." I spoke into the phone before hanging up. I was still mad about him not giving me that punk ass nigga's address but decided to slide it up under the rug. I wanted to see Los to see how Dani was doing. I needed her back, it'd been weeks since we even conversed. I hit the unlock button on my keypad and walked to my car.

Other than the shit with Daniella, I was good. My mama convinced Dior to transfer over to Haverford in Philly because she wanted her closer to home, this was cool with me as far as money went but I was still iffy about her safety but we knew we had to let her get out and live and we couldn't get in the way of her success.

I maneuvered through the traffic trying to make it back to my condo in time to meet Marvin and Los. I was wondering why he brung him up here randomly. I hopped out of my car and made my way up to my crib. Today I'd be letting him know who she is.

No more than thirty minutes later, the two of them were here. We all were sitting in the living room smoking and talking. I was also drinking a cup of purple, I needed this to get by.

"Did you tell Marvin about yo hoe?" I asked Carlos, hoping to push his buttons. He glared at me and then looked to Marvin, "Don't listen to him."

I chuckled. "Nah nah, Marvin. Guess what?" I took a drag from the blunt before passing it to Carlos. "What?"

"This nigga fuckin with Ayriel." Carlos looked at me, fuddled by what I said. "Ayriel as in Karcyn's ma-" I nodded before Marvin could finish and leaned back on the couch, watching Carlos' body language.

"Hold on. You saying that this yo baby moms B?"

"Pretty much."

"Why didn't you tell me? I woulda left her alone yo." He said, his voice more on the nervous side. "I don't care about that shit bro.. Do you, just don't call yourself my daughter's stepdad." I said calmly. With no response, he pulled his phone out and dialed her number.

"What you doin? Don't call and tell her."

"I gotta cut her off, that's BroCode." Me and Marvin bursted into laughter at how serious he was. I really didn't give a fuck about him and her, I just wanted to let him know. "Hang the phone up man. Go ahead and get her."

He did as I said and then looked at me, "So you knew the entire time?" I nodded and smirked. "What you meant that day when you told me to be careful?"

"Just be careful. She's crazy." I answered, keeping it brief. It was either he was gonna take my advice or wish he had taken it. I knew for a fact that she was gonna eat his ass alive if he didn't. The bitch was toxic.

"This some crazy shit. Does Dani know?" I nodded again. He looked so dumbfounded and Marvin was just sitting, watching and listening.

"But it's aight dude, like I said, Do you and speaking of Dani... She don't miss me, does she?" I asked. I wondered if she missed me like I missed her.

"Hell yeah she does my nigga... why you didn't you tell me that you cheated on her?"

"I wa-"

"Bruh, I told you not to play with her and you did it anyway. I thought you were gonna show her different. My sister ain't one of these lil bitches out here, she's successful, smart, on her shit and the last thing that she needs is to be getting cheated on by some fuck nigga, man. I'm tired of seeing her cry and I'm tired of beating niggas up and shit." The tone in his voice changed and I knew he was mad, it was understandable. I thought back to the day when I sat him down and gave him my word that I wouldn't do Dani wrong... I lied.

Carlos' POV

Even though KD told me not to, whenever I went back to BMore I was cutting all ties with Ayriel. I knew he was telling me to be careful for a reason so I wasn't taking any chances. And it was weird for my sister to know about this shit and not react, she let me bring the girl in her crib and didn't even do anything about it.

"But enough of that, KD I came here to ask you a question.." Marvin stated. "What's good?"

"You mind letting Los work up here with you for a while?"

"I don't care, it's cool." KD answered while rolling another blunt. Living with this nigga and working under his rules was gonna be a helluva ride.

"But Los, just don't knock on my fucking door waking me up." He turned to me and said sternly, handing me the blunt. I chuckled a bit and took it away from him. "Whatever nigga. Don't worry about me waking you up, worry about getting right by my sister."

I was pissed off that he cheated but as long as he knew that I was upset, I was good. "Yo, I don't even think she'll let me back in her life to be honest."

"Not like you deserve to be." I said in all honesty. "What the fuck you mean?"

"You did this to yourself bro. I can only keep it real with you." He nodded and looked off into space. I could tell he was hurting but Dani was too. He was just gonna have to suffer the consequences.

"Yeah yeah.. Let's go get your shit." We all got up and headed out, on the way back to Maryland. A young nigga was about to take New York.

Daniella's POV

I couldn't say I wasn't hurting, I'd be lying. I felt so empty and so dumb. Dumb to think that this man was ready for commitment. I knew our downfall was taking things too fast, hell we'd only known each other for some months. It was crazy because I felt some type of love for him and it seemed like the feelings weren't even mutual.. that was my fault.

It doesn't matter how pretty you are or how loyal and down you are, you'd still get cheated on. You could meet every one of a man's standards and he'll still find a way to cheat on you but why me? Why do men always take advantage of me?

Kaydence knew my story with Wesley and still went and repeated the cycle. I couldn't explain how bad I was hurting, I knew this shit was too good to be true. I made myself comfortable in bed and dozed off into a deep sleep.


"Dani?" I jumped in my sleep and opened my eyes to see Kaydence standing over me. I shot him a deadly look and pulled my cover over my head.

"You don't even have to talk to me.. Just listen. I know I hurt you and Lord knows that I am sorry. If I could go back, I would. I would've never gave that girl the time of day." He stopped for a second before continuing. Of course, I was listening but I wasn't going to feed into his bullshit.

"Dani, do you know that I cried the night you left me? I've been drinking Promethazine every hour of every day... I need that shit to help escape my dooms. I know I probably can't and won't have another chance with you but can we at least be friends?"

"Please?" When he realized that I wasn't going to give him an answer, he headed out, saying, "I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me" before leaving. I figured he was here with Carlos but didn't bother seeing. He was right, he couldn't and wouldn't have another chance with me. It was time for me to protect myself from any heartache that was on its way.

Do you guys feel sorry for Kaydence? I do, a little tiny bit.

How do you think Carlos living with KD will be?

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