A Losing Game

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Omniscient's POV

"Yeah, we just landed. . we're coming out now." Raven spoke to her husband on the phone as her and Daniella moved through the airport.

Dani had spoken to her parents days earlier about her move to Atlanta for a while so that it wouldn't just seem like an 'up and leave' although that's what it was. She wouldn't have felt right staying in Baltimore so she had to do what was best for her after doing what needed to be done back home.

"Right there, there he is." Raven pointed to a silver Mercedes and headed towards it, Dani right beside her. "Hey, how are you doing, Dani right?" Her husband got out of the car and extended his hand, shaking Dani's gently. "And I'm fine, you?" She gave him a friendly smile. "I'm great. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Daniella stepped back, letting the two have their moment. She was ready for a new start and was not looking back. Even the air in a new city and state gave her good vibes.

Kaydence's POV

"I'll be back over there in a few hours. . I got you bro." I said to Los through the phone. He was out hustlin on a rainy ass day and I had just gotten back from New York to drop Nuk and Ocho off.

I pulled into my driveway and squinted my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly. I knew I hadn't ordered anything in the past few weeks but there was a small brown box on the porch. . I got out and walked up to it, picking it up and shaking it around. It was something light.

Wanting to know what the hell it was and why it was on my porch, let alone my property, I unlocked the door quickly. I walked into the living room, tossing my keys on the couch and then removing the piece of duct tape that was keeping the box closed.

A letter written in cursive with blue ink sat at the top. I grabbed it and before even reading the first word on it, my eyes shot to what was at the bottom of the box. It was a sonogram. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, opened them, and looking at it, seeing Daniella's name on it.

Omniscient's POV

Dear Kaydence,

How could you have been so cruel to me in the first place? Why'd you tell me that I was all you ever wanted and that I was perfect if I didn't even make you happy? Why even make me go this far? Those are a few questions but I really need answers for these two. Why was I not good enough? What did I do wrong?

As you can see, I am pregnant. . 2 months to be exact. It was going to be my surprise to you after I came home from work one day this week.

You told me you loved me and I actually believed you. You know what they say, "Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me two times, shame on me." I refuse to be fooled a third time so now, I'm letting you play the fool. I will be a single mom, taking care of our child and later ask you, "How does it feel to have lost another child?"

This love was a losing game but God has showed me my way out.



Kaydence looked back at the sonogram, investigating everything on it. Dani was carrying his child and had left him. Not able to look any longer, he tossed the contents back in the box and threw it across the room but was alarmed when he heard something metal in it when it hit the ground. He wanted to curse, he wanted to scream, cry, kill, but there was no reason to. He was the one who cheated on Dani, he was the one who stepped out and didn't think that it was wrong and like she said, he was now playing the fool.

He walked over to the box and removed all of the sonogram pictures, revealing her specially made house key and the necklace that he'd bought her for Christmas.

He sat down on the bed, planting his elbows in his legs while his face was planted in his hands. This shit couldn't have been real.

He cried in the same spot for what felt like hours and was to the point where he didn't even see a reason for living but Karcyn popped in his head. He couldn't kill himself, his daughter needed him.

He got up and went to the bathroom where he was unable to look at himself in the mirror. He didn't even feel like a man, he felt useless. A blunt would not ease this pain nor would getting so high until he couldn't think. This shit would linger on him until Dani came back, if she ever did.

There was nothing that he could do to make himself feel better so from this day forward, it was going to be a few stops for the junkies and then back home to be with his daughter. . everything else had to stop. He was no longer fucking with anybody except for his niggas because the rest were irrelevant and a waste of time. No more bitches, no more new customers, no more visiting his house, nothing. Everything was called off until Kaydence got what he needed and that was his girl and their child.

Pacing in circles in the bathroom he pulled his phone out and called Los, "Yo?"

"Your sister left me for real bro. . and then she's pregnant again." Los was silent for a minute, "I- You okay? Have you talked to her?"

"Nah, she left me a fucking letter in a box."

"Damn. . I'll try to call her broskie, hold your head up." Kaydence hung up after his and directed his attention up to the ceiling.

"I am sorry Lord, let her forgive me. Please, please let her find it within herself to forgive me. Let this just be a test. I need her and again, I am sorry."

He couldn't believe that she had taken what he had been wanting for months away from him. She knew how bad he wanted to try again and she abused that shit once he fucked up. He could only imagine what she was doing, probably some where spending money on shit she'd never wear. He probably wasn't even on her mind but she was on his heavy.

He grabbed a jacket and then went back downstairs, grabbing his keys and going out to his car. This rainy weather matched his mood perfectly but he had to try and find Daniella. He was about to go to her parents house and her job. Somebody knew something.


No one had answered her parent's door and he was now at the hospital. He wiped his face free of tears as he made his entrance. "Is Daniella in today?" He asked the receptionist, whom he'd spoken to a few times when he'd brung Daniella food, hoping she would say yes but unfortunately, she shook her head, "Dani transferred. She's no longer with us. . Yo- you haven't talked to her?"

"Nah, I was away for a while. . and now I can't find her." He lied. The receptionist looked like she wanted to say something but decided against it, "Aw, well, she transferred. . maybe you should try calling her. . and me too." She smirked. He gave her a blank hard stare, indicating that he wasn't up for that thirsty shit before leaving out. It was still raining and he had tried his best so now, he was on the way back to him mom's to get Karcyn.

Barely able to see the road, he came out on a four way and was hit in the side by a SUV. His car had skidded down the slippery road and and stopped nearly 30 feet from the scene, landing on it's side. He had blanked out and could've been dead.

The end? 🤔

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