Day 18 (1/18/14) About Me!

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Hey all my dreamers and new readers! I've been writing for about half a month, and since a lot of my posts have been sad yet inspiring, I wanted to do something fun for you guys!

So this is my about me. It's in no particular order and I'll prolly forget a lot but if you have any questions, ask me! u guys can definetely reply too with your own about me's!! just comment or make your own post and I'll read them!

My name is Hannah.

I'm 4'11". (def below average two years i'll legally be a midget!)

I'm 16 years old and my birthday is on May 26th.

I have two sisters, W & N (usin initials for people ik irl if you've never noticed).

My sister N is my best friend despite our five year difference.

My sister W and I are 7 years apart.

I'm hella close with my ma too, I call her by her first i weird? lol

I don't live with my dad and we don't have any form of a relationship.

I have a year and a half left of high school and that scares me.

I have no idea what I wanna be in the future and I dont know where I wanna go for college.

I have waay to many favorite artists to list them all.

I'm obsessed with concerts...they're my escape.

I love the Lord.

I have struggled with my self esteem but last summer I began fixing that. (I will explain that more one day)

I have three bffs irl and one bff on here (Skye, i love u girl!)

I love wattpad and this site has helped me grow so much.

I wear glasses.

I'm black.

I was born in Kenya, Africa and I moved to the east coast in the USA when I was 9 years old.

I don't want to move back, I love the US too much.

I want to travel the world.

I want to have 9 kids. 4 mine, 5 fostered/adopted.

I love to love others and inspire others.

My favorite Bible character is Hannah.

I'm dedicate waay too much time to my homework.

I love to sing.

I collect cds and don't buy electronic mp3s.

I weigh 120 pounds or something like that.

I love eating.

I love baking.

I'm very loud and opinionated.

I memorize quotes like crazy.

I'm too honest for my own good.

I'm always on tumblr.

I'm very accepting and I'm against shaming others.

I looove m&m's!

I can do a pretty good British accent.

I don't drink or smoke.

I love Mcdonald's lol.

That's all I can think of....i'll probably think of 30 more things once I post this! but please please ask questions!!

I love you all, thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!!

Please never ever stop believing in yourself and keep dreaming<33

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