Day 68-84 (3/9-25/14) Bad things happen for a reason.

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You have to realize that everything that feels bad to you is not necessarily bad for you.

Are you ok?

Has something bad happened to you?

Maybe recently? or even in the past?

When something bad happens to me, I tend to ask a lot of questions...

"Why me? Why did I deserve this? Aren't I a good person? Couldn't this happen to someone else? Do the other teenagers have to go through this? IT'S NOT FAIR!" scream my thoughts.

It's hard. It really is hard to suppress these questions and thoughts, and instead replace them with peace and understanding. Understanding that just because a bad thing happened to you, it doesn't mean it was bad for you.

For example, when I was a freshman in highschool I ended a really special friendship. My best friend A had been my best friend for two years plus. We did everything together and I told her so much about me, things I had never told people before. Ending our friendship was the result of a big fight we had and it was not easy to let her go. She was my closest friend, and once she was gone I realized how alone I was. How I had no one there for me. I was really sad. Sad that I was alone, and sad that something as crappy as this had to happen to me. I couldn't understand why God would place her in my life, only for her to leave me hurt and saddened.

But after a few weeks, I began becoming more social. I met a completely new group of people and they quickly became my friends. These girls were so sweet and funny and they understood me. They never put me down, and they were always there to help. I still talk to them every once in a while even three years later (they moved schools so it's become a tad difficult to keep in constant contact), and I'm really glad they showed up into my life. Even though we've had our ups and downs, at the end of the day they still stuck around for me, more than my old best friend did.

So, make sense? If I never ended my friendship with A, I would have never met my new friends.

Bad things like this happen in order for us to grow and mature. Whatever bad situation you may be in, whether someone you know has died, you're moving away from you're friends, you are suffering with depression, you have lost something very special to you, or WHATEVER it may be. You need to understand it happened/ is happening for a reason, and from this storm, a rainbow will appear.

Bad things can have good results, so stay positive!

keep dreaming<33

(Hey dreamers! i know, i know. My updates have been taking longer and longer to appear BUT that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you all! You're always in my prayers, and if you need somebody to talk to PLEASE message me or comment. If I get the notification, I'll be sure to reply as soon as I can. Vote, comment, and share if you'd like! or request a certain topic! Whoever you are, just know you mean the world to me. Knowing you read this journal is so special to me, and you will never know the impact you have in my life. You all inspire me to keep going. Whether there's two of you reading or 1000, I will always be here for you! May God bless you and always stay strong! I love you to the moon and back, and don't forget God loves you even more!)

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