Day 37 (2/6/14) A New Dawn. A New Day.

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God didn't add another day in your life because you needed it; He added it because someone out there needs you.

Sometimes I wonder what today is for, what am I supposed to do for me? what is going to benefit me today? what's going to happen to me?

me. me. me.

We should open your eyes and realize maybe it's NOT all about us....maybe it's about others...

The quote at the top says someone out there needs you. Whether it's a stranger, a friend, a cousin, a nephew, or a group of people. Somebody needs you. So don't always focus on you and your wants, try and focus on what someone else might need.

I did that with this journal. I don't write for me, I write for you guys. I write in hopes that you realize you have a friend in me and a friend in God. I write in hopes that you'll be inspired, or you'll feel less alone. I write (almost) everyday not because I need it, but because maybe one of you does. So don't forget I'm always here to talk or listen to you and whatever is going on no matter how small you think it is! And once you are ready, pass that love onto others, because they just might need it too.

Thanks for supporting me & reading this! love ya'll!

keep dreaming<33

A Year Of Thoughts (A 365 day online journal)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang