Day 16 (1/16/14) Being Grateful

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in just a moment, everything can be taken away.

After school today I got on the bus, ready to go home like i do everyday. After about 40 min on the bus I was on my phone when my head instantaneously slammed into the seat in front of me and i smashed my nose and lip. We had been hit. A car full of intoxicated teenagers drove right into our bus without stopping. I looked up in shock and saw smoke everywhere and people lying in the grass. I saw a teenager bleeding and people freaking out. Someone was screaming at me to call 911 but I was so in shock I just stood there. I finally called and the ambulances showed up....

Today was a scary day for me because about 5 minutes before we crashed I was texting a friend about death. Just normal conversation. Little did we know that I'd get into an accident shortly after.

My friend Maggy (Aquamarine16) said it herself. In just a moment everything can be taken away.

I'm lucky that I got out unharmed and that I'm able to be typing this right now. So please all of you today and everyday, don't take anything for granted. Cherish every moment and be grateful.

I'm still in shock lol so telling the story seems surreal. The kids got out ok they just went to the hospital. I may have to be questioned by police but at least we're all ok.

God has blessed all of us soo much with our lives because he loves us, so we must never take that for granted.

I love each and every one of you. Thank you for your support and for helping me reach 100 followers. I'm very grateful for each and everyone of you :)

Its only day 16 and I've already gotten into an accident...wonder what other "surprises" 2014 has in store lol

So, don't take anything for granted and keep dreaming<33

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