Day 22 (1/22/14) Breathe.

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Breathe in to the count of 7 and then out to the count of 11. Repeat about 6 times.

That right there is the 7/11 breathing technique. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a breathing technique used to calm down panic attacks or anxiety. I use it all the time, and it is very helpful in any situation.

Whatever you're going through, just remember to breathe. Put whatever your doing to the side and breathe. Forget your stress and breathe. Put down your phone and just breathe. Stop stressing over school and your future and just breathe. Stop crying and just breathe....It can help you soo much, I'm only speaking from experience.

Recently my life has been really stressful, and I have noticed just taking those few seconds away from the things that are stressing me just to breathe is helping me keep my sanity lol

So try it out and tell me if it helps! Live in the moment and don't stress too hard.

I hope you are well, don't forget to comment, vote, follow, share, or just say hi! I'm always here! Again, if I haven't commented back to you recently just post your comment on my most recent update and I'll definetely see it, or just inbox me.

God loves you and I love you! thank you for everything!

Smile for me, breathe, and keep dreaming<33

(Here's a link to a more in depth description of the 7/11 breathing technique!

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