Day 13 (1/13/14) Suicide

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You are worth it, and you are never alone.

Today my friend and I were texting when all of a sudden our conversation shifted from today's homework to how her bestfriend was attempting suicide. My heart froze in that moment as I tried to calm my friend down as she tried to calm her own friend.

My friend E's best friend (I won't use her real name) swallowed pills tonight trying to kill herself. They got her help in time and she is ok now, but this is not the first time she has done this. It really got me thinking about how sad it all was and I prayed for her and her family. Then I began thinking of the girl who went to my school who commited suicide a month ago. She was being bullied so badly she killed herself. She was only a freshman....

When I saw a picture of the girl from my school my heart broke. I couldn't help but think, what if i had talked to her? what if i had said hi? what if i had smiled at her? gotten to know her? She was three years younger than me so I feel as though I never got the chance to talk to her, but my heart couldn't help but hurt at the thought of maybe me being the one to save her.

So tonight, I was going to write a light heated happy entry, but maybe one of you out there, or someone you know, might need to hear this.

You are worth it. You are not alone.

You're life is a gift from God, something so precious to not only Him, but to me. Stay strong each and everyone of you. Get help when those thoughts enter your head, and don't act on them. Even if it seems like it's the end and no one cares, it is not. You have so much to live for. You are wonderfully made in Christ's image. Not only does he care about you, but I do too.

Remember to talk to me or anyone else about what is going on, I will never judge you.

Sorry for the sad entry but it's my year of thoughts and tonight this was on my mind, and I would hate to let you guys down and not say I'm always here to help.

1-800-273-TALK (Suicide Hotline in America)

Stay strong, if not for you, do it for me.

Smile my beautiful readers. Don't forget I love you and your life is precious to me.

Keep Dreaming<33

It gets better :)

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