Day 23 (1/23/14) Anger

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James 1:19

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry"

One thing people usually notice after spending a certain amount of time with me is that I have a temper. A bad one too. I fight, cuss, and/or break anything in my sight when I'm angry. Usually when I get mad my fury only lasts a few minutes and soon you'll see my smiling and laughing again.

This catches a lot of people off guard, because while me having a fit was normal to me, in that moment I could've hurt someone's feelings without noticing. This is why I try and practice what this Bible verse tells me, "be slow to become angry."

Today at school was very hard for me and I definetely was not slow to anger, but now when I'm calm I start to regret some of my actions and words that I had done while I was angry. When this happens I usually pray for forgiveness and strength to be able to be slow to anger.

We've all been mad at one point of our lives, so you're not alone. It is a perfectly normal human emotion to feel, but it is also a very powerful one. Therefore we should practice controlling it, before we hurt not only others around us, but ourselves.

Thank you for reading and for supporting me. Thank you for voting and following me too, you are all beautiful and amazing and I love you!

Be slow to anger and keep dreaming<333

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