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Valt stared in disbelief as the WBBA crumbled around him. Large portions of the building fell to the ground crushing the stadiums chairs and anything under its range.

The screaming of the audience drowned out of the bluenette's ears as he staggered off to his his right.

This was too overwhelming for the young blader to handle. Beyblading was something to do for fun! Not to use for destruction! What was his opponent thinking by sending out their bey into an all out rampage!

"Valt!" Shu caught his best friend right as the blunette began to fall to his side. It was a good thing Shu was there too or else the shorter would've been in much more danger.

The reasoning for Shu even being with Valt on stage was simple. Both males had agreed in participating in a tag battle with two other bladers. At first their opponents seemed normal, but clearly they weren't seeing as they attacked everyone in the stadium and were nowhere to be found now.

"Valt!" Shu shouted when he realized the shorter blader wasn't moving off of him or moving at all.


Shu gazed worridly at Valt, who was lying next to him in a booth secluded against a wall, of a children's themed restaurant known as Burger Palace.

It was the only place close enough to the beystadium that was safe and innocent enough to bring Valt to. The taller male assumed the restaurant would be carefree enough to not judge him for carrying in his unconscious friend, piggy back style, without getting too many stares.

Luck was on Shu's side when he walked in to find he and Valt were the only ones inside. Hopefully this place would keep the energetic male calm and relaxed when he would awake.

"Mmmhn." Valt muttered. He had opened his eyes too quickly and was blinking away the harsh light tiredly. That is until his eyes met with red orbs staring down at his own.

Said eyes were filled with concern that made Valt feel slightly uneasy. He wasn't used to seeing his friend so worried for him.

"You're awake - how do you feel?" Shu asked hesitantly reaching a hand out to touch the blunette's forehead only to pull back before making contact.

Valt shifted to a sitting position in the booth before he answered. Something about the way Shu was acting only added to his uneasiness.

"Yeah I'm just fine, just a little shaken up from earlier. I can't believe someone would use their bey for harming others. I'm sorry I couldn't help you either... By the way were are we?"

By now Valt was finally taking a notice to his surroundings. He smiled at realising where he was. Children's playhouse, burgers, a small bey practice station - he was at Burger Palace downtown!

"Wait don't tell me! We're at Burger Palace aren't we? Hold my shoes; it's been way too long since I was last able to crawl around in a playhouse!"

Valt jumped excitedly out of his seat, hopping over both Shu and the table, and bolted over to the nearest entrance of the playhouse tubes.

Somewhere during his excitement the blunette had thrown his shoes off and under the table, leaving Shu to his thoughts once more.

Valt's inner child returned to him as he scurried up to the top of the playhouse where a wide slide was located.

A little voice at the back of his head told him to launch Valtryek down the slide when he got to the top.

Not thinking twice, Valt took out his launcher and trusted bey. Giving a quick glance to Shu through a small hole in the playhouse, Valt smirked.

"Hey Shu! Watch this! 3, 2, 1! Let it rip!"

Without hesitation Valt launched Valtryek down the slide only to remember at the last second of his beys powerful speed...

"Wah!!! Watch out Shu!!!"

In horror Valt threw himself down the slide, hopelessly trying to retrieve Valtryek before it could get to Shu.

Panic arose in his chest as he reached the bottom with Valtryek in hand. Why oh why didn't he rethink his thoughts before doing them?

"Shu! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Valt quaked as he tumbled out the slide. His whole self being on alert for his best friend possibly in pain or being attacked by his bey. Way to go in hurting him a second time in just a few hours.

"I'm fine Valt." Shu spoke, making the shorter's attention snap forward to see the latter kneeling by the table he was seated at earlier. In his gloved hand was Valtryek safe and unmoving.

Awkwardly Valt arose from his sprawled out position and treaded over to his friend.

"Msorry about that Shu. I didn't think when I launched Valtryek down the slide."

"Don't sweat it, you've been through a lot today so I don't blame you if your not thinking properly right now. How about we eat for now? Does that sound alright with you?"

"Yeah! I want a double meat burger and maybe some large fries! I'm so hungry that I could eat almost everything here right now!"

As the two friends moved away from the playroom half of the restaurant Valt couldn't help but wonder how Shu ended up unharmed by Valtryek bursting through the slide so quickly. There shouldn't have been any time for the red eyed male to have launched his Spryzen. He shook off the thought momentarily when Shu grabbed ahold of his hand, placing Valtryek in it. Shu's hand lingered on Valt's for several moments before he then turned away to order for the two.

What was that for? Was it reassurance?

Valt's mind began to wander off, trying to come up with a solution to what had just happened. Surely what happened was just for them both to remember they had each other, right?

All thoughts subsided when the food magically appeared in front of the shorter bladers eyes. He couldn't believe how fast it had come out! Maybe he had been thinking too long or the service here really was great! Either way his stomach was ready to eat!

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