Chapter twenty-one

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I rubbed my eyes as the beeping heart monitor beside me was putting me to sleep. I yawned looking tiredly at a sleeping Arthur, I stared my eyes slowly closing when suddenly the door opened, I turned slowly to see Luke standing at the door a bouquet of white roses in his hand, he gave me one of his dorky smiles as he closed the door behind him. I smiled weakly.

"Hey sunshine" he said with a wink I laughed at his nickname then stood up to greet him with a hug, he held me tight and then handed me the roses.

"Thank you" I smiled widely at him placing the roses in one of the vases beside Arthur's bed.

"No problem, how is he?" he asked digging his hands deep into his pocket and sighing, I shrugged

"The same" I stated tears welling up in my eyes, I covered my face trying not to let the tears fall.

"Hey, hey, it'll be okay" Luke said trapping me in a hug, he placed one hand on my waist and the other on my head rubbing it gentle. We swayed from side to side, suddenly Luke wrapped one arm behind my legs and one behind my back and lifted me up. A small squeal of surprise escaped my dry lips making Luke laugh as he sat down on the chair me resting on his lap, I buried my head in his neck taking in his sweet sent. My legs were hanging over the side of the chair, Luke's hand rested on my leg and he rubbed it gently. We stayed in silence and I closed my eyes relaxing finally in Luke's arms.

"Have you eaten today?" he asked I nodded

"I had breakfast" I said in a husky voice making Luke laugh

"You realise it's 2 in the afternoon right? you should probably eat something else" he stated as he rested his chin on my head

"When my mom gets back from her check up we will go get food? I don't want to leave Arthur alone" I said with a warm tear escaping my eye.

"Okay that sounds like a good plan" he sighed

"How's things with Charlie?" I asked he laughed

"Difficult, we had a fight two nights ago and in the end she told me I'm better of with Cathy and we haven't spoken since" his voice turned into a whisper as he spoke the last few words, I moved my head so I was looking at him but still resting my head on his shoulder, he shifted his gaze to look at me.

"Don't give me those big sad eyes, I don't want you to feel bad for me"

"You don't get to decide how I feel, your one of my best friends Luke all I want is for you to be happy" he smiled at my comment

"I'm going to end it with Cathy anyway" he stated

"Really?" I gasped generally shocked which made him burst out laughing, I pouted

"The surprise in your voice" he laughed wiping away a fake tear, I playfully hit him in the chests as he pretended to be in pain

"I hate you" I moaned sticking my tongue out at him only making him laugh more

"LIES" he hissed "I need to find a good time to end it with her though like she's gone away for a long weekend and won't be back until Wednesday but I won't get to see he until Thursday and ugh" he moaned now it was my turn to laugh "should I break up with her?"

"Does she make you happy?" I asked

"When I'm with her yes, when were around other people no" he confessed "she's kind of mean"

"Kind of?" He laughed

"Okay a lot"

"Luke if your not happy with her then end it, if you are then don't your happiness is the most important thing. If your not happy then something's wrong in the relationship" I stated he sighed and nodded

"Looks like I'm ending it then. When did you get so good at advice?" he winked I just shrugged. "How's things going with Calum? I heard you were at his for a bit last night" I laughed to myself

"It was my goodbye for Calum"

"Your what?" Luke snapped with shock making me jump

"I made that sound very dramatic, what I mean is that it was the last night I'm going after him, it was the last chance. I told myself I'd wait for him but it's not fair not now I just can't do it" I said almost bringing myself to tears

"Calum's trying to figure it out give him time"

"Luke he keeps saying that, he's had all the time in the world, he will never tell his secret and I can't keep being in love with a boy I can never have no matter how much I want him he's not mine and I need to stop and grow up" I said Luke sighed and pulled me close he rested his forehead on mine our noses almost touching.

"Okay, but you need to tell him that and do it quick yeah?" I nodded slowly as Luke wiped away yet another tear "it'll be okay beautiful" he said making me smile

"Hum will I come back later or?" both me and Luke jumped at the sound of Calum's voice how long had he been standing there? Luke turned and looked at his friend and smiled

"How long you been there?" he asked as if reading my mind, I looked at Calum his hair was ruffled and mostly covered by a grey beanie, he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with vans and a black shirt. Why did he have to be so hot?

"Not long why? what where's used doing before?" he asked anger in his voice, Luke laughed still holding me on his lap

"We were just talking" he said smiling childishly I just stared at Calum a while not sure what to do, my heart was pounding. I felt Luke tap me and I looked at him 'go talk now' he mouthed I sighed not wanting to do this but knowing it was for the best

"Calum can I talk to you? for a sec?" I asked standing up Luke gave my hand a quick squeeze, Calum's eyes stared at my hand and then landed on my gaze.

"Sure" he said bitterly

"Ill wait here and explain to your mom when she gets back, you'll come back here yeah Cleo?" Luke asked I nodded, Calum and I headed out of the room and through the halls. I couldn't bring myself to talk, how do I start? it's not like a break up I mean we're not together its more like me just..well giving up.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked breaking my thoughts I sighed thinking 'here goes nothing'

"Calum I want us both to move on from whatever this is" I said waving my hands in-between us, he looked at me with big puppy dog eyes, I had to look away. "I mean don't get me wrong I pretty much love you Calum Hood but I can't keep going on like this, it hurts so much Calum. I know your trying to sort things out but we both know that you'll never tell me your secret no matter what I say! it's not fair on either of us, we both deserve to be happy and right now it seems neither of us are happy, I have to much pain in my life right now and despite all the times you make me so happy, every time you leave and go to her it just kills me. Completely I'm so sorry Calum I just can't do it" I said warm tears ran down my face.

We had arrived at a few seats and we both sat, I sat on the very edge of my chair my body twisted towards Calum, I fumbled with my hands and watched them intently as I spoke not daring to look at Calum. When I finally looked at him, he had watery eyes. He tried to hold back his emotion, his body was tense and firm but his eyes gave him away breaking my heart as I stated deep into them.

"Calum I am sorry, I just have to much going on and I just can't do it"

"Do you even want to stay friends?" he questioned his voice seemed to be begging me. I sighed and shrugged

"Yes I do, but maybe we shouldn't talk for a while just give me time to get over you okay?" I looked at him and he nodded slowly. He stood and I copied.

"I guess I'll go then" he said unsure of how to act, he swung his hands awkwardly by his side and scrunched his nose, I nodded slowly. "okay" he whispered

"Okay" I replied. And with that he turned and walked away from me. With a deep breath I turned away from him heading back to Luke.

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