chapter one

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I pushed my foot along the ground, gliding pleasantly on my skate bored. the wheels made a crackling noise as they raced along the chipped path. It as one i was used to but sent shivers down the backs of those who past me. slowly i came to a stop as i reached the 'target' cafè, i picked my bored up and reached for the handle.

"oh sorry" spoke a boy as he also reached for the handle, his tone was sweet he laughed a little.

"My fault" i said awkwardly. I looked up at him, he had short black hair and a dark complexion. He had puppy dog brown eyes needless to say he was gorgeous. My stomach twisted as he smiled

"I'm Calum" he sad pleasantly reaching his hand out.

"Cleo" i smiled shaking his hand, i had seen him around in school, never talked to him before I'm well completely socially awkward and he isn't.

"well its very nice to meet you Cleo" he winked. My stomach jumped as i did a helpless laugh 'oh god' i thought 'i am so very hopeless'. Calum looked at me concerned as my eyes grew wide, he chuckled to himself as we stood in silence. In the corner of my eye through the window of the cafè i noticed my friend Danny waving like a complete fool his ruffled brown hair was bouncing as he excitedly spotted me, i couldn't help but laugh.

"what?" Calum asked, i shook my head feeling suddenly self cancerous about my laugh.

"I should go in" i finally said.

"oh yeah forgot were we were for a second" he chuckled.

"After you" he joked as he held the door for me.

"Why thank you" i laughed slightly

"see you Cleo" he winked as he headed off to his friends in the corner.

"Bye Calum" i whispered to myself heading for Danny.

"There she is" he smiled trapping me in one of his bear hugs.

"hey mate yeh miss me" i winked as he scrunched up his nose.

"what perfume you wearing?" he asked

"i'm not?" i questioned

"oh that's it" he winked 'uh' i groaned as he began to laugh.

"kids i kids you actually smell good" he winked.

"actually you smell like a boy" he said astonished.

"must be why you like it"

" must be" he sighed "yeah who was that boy outside" he winked

"Calum i think he said his name was" "he was cute"

"i guess so". Danny slammed his cup down on the table, i jumped in shock as he shot me a look. his big green eyes locked to my pale blue.

"i don't get you" he sighed

"whats not to get? I'm a girl who's, is easy going, has been your sill best friend since the day we met and hasn't had a boyfriend since...well you were there" i sighed dealing with the past was never my strong suit.

"okay wel-" he got cut off as his phone began to ring "hey" he smiled i knew straight away who it was Killian. Danny had the biggest crush on him, but i till wasn't sure if Killian 'swag' that way i don't think Killian was either "Eh i would love to" i heard Danny say bring back. he hung up the phone and looked at me.

"go" i smiled seeing the guilt in his eyes.

"you sure?" he asked excitement tangling his words, i nodded. "Love you" he said kissing my cheek and running off "ill call you later" he winked backing out the door as he tried to fix his scarf.

i sat for a while then decided to head 'home' myself. i got but crashing the chair into the person behind me "oh my god i'm so sorry" i said, looking up to see Cathy. my eyes grew wide 'crap' i thought 'i am screwed' Cathy was the biggest 'b' word going, she walked around like she owned our school and if I'm honest she kinda did. she was like the worst person in the world well to me she was, we used to be friends like a long time ago and then she just decided to hate me. this lead in my social status going down and my life turning into a living hell.

"WHAT THE HELL" she yelled as coffee stained her white top, i don't think you could even classify this as a top it was more like a bra.

"i said i was sorry i didn't do it purposely" i said awkwardly

"OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T YOU JUST RUINED MY NEW TOP" she glared at me her brown eyes seeping into me, they were cold "YOUR BRAT" she yelled lunging at me, i fell back onto the table 'ouch' i thought turning back to face her. she swung her fist at me but someones hand stopped her "that's enough Cathy she didn't mean to do that" said Calum

"ugh why are you defending her shes a freak" she spat at me. i just looked at her 'freak' was a word that had often been used to descirbe me, i was used to it.

"CATHY BACK OFF HER" he yelled "fine" she gave me another glare and mouthed 'watch you back brat' 'great' i thought another thing to worry about. i headed for the door trying to stop the tears from falling. i felt someone tug my arm i turned swiftly Calum stood in front of me smiling awkwardly

"are you okay?"

"i'm fine" i snapped. he looked shocked a wash of guilt filled me Calum was just trying to be nice but this is what i did anytime anyone tried to be nice to me it felt weird i am so used to people hating me i never think anybody would like me as a friend i mean like Cathy said i am a freak.

"i have to go" i said quickly running out the door

"CLEO" i heard Calum shout but i ignored it and kept going as tears began to fall.


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