Chapter eleven

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I stood staring hard at Harry. Was he serious? He couldn't be serious I mean he knew I liked Calum and not him? I felt my breaths become short and was completely lost for words. I felt dizzy, so dizzy.

"Look here me out, I don't like you-"

"Then why do you want to date me?" I questioned panicking on the inside.

"You like Calum right? And he likes you back but if we date then he will see that he likes you break up with Janis and happy days" he clapped his hands together with a smile. I narrowed my gaze on him

"What do you get out of this?" I questioned, he rubbed the back if his neck.

"Well if Calum and Janis break up then Janis is single and I've liked her for so long" he smiled. Was he serious he really wanted to use the feelings he believe Calum had to break his relationship up? No that was mean far to mean. Being jealous hurts especially when you see the person you like kissing and hugging someone else I would know I couldn't do that to Calum.

"Harry I can't it's to mean"

"Do you wanna be with Calum or not?" I paused for a moment letting his word sink in. I did want to be with Calum that was obvious but I wanted to be with him because he wanted to be with me I don't wanna play dirty to get there, if it happens it happens that's the right thing. Right?

"Of course I wanna be with Calum but-"

"No buts"

"But Harry it's not right and if you really like Janis you will see that they are happy together and there's no point hurting them so we get what we want its not fair" I stated, Harry traced his thumb along his bottom lip in frustration

"Ugh" he groaned "your right" he whispered "your right" he said a little louder waving his arms about. I smiled "Calum's a fool not to see how great you are, he doesn't deserve you" I blushed

"Oh no way" I turned to see Cathy staring at me with greed. "I told you to watch your back" she hissed

I felt my palms sweat as her gaze wandered around my body

"Listen up guys Cleo here has a crush on a boy" what was she doing? Please no. I felt my heart beginning to race "but you see this boy has a girlfriend and Harry here was suggesting that they date to make that boy jealous but Cleo saying no because she's a good girl"

"Cathy stop" Luke glared at her but she ignored him, I felt ill so ill. I turned to Harry who's face was full of sympathy

"But you see Harry thinks that Cleo doesn't want to do it because she is a 'good person' but we both no the real reason C right?"

"Cathy stop it" Calum growled

"Oh Calum perfect your here" she smiled at him then at me. "Cleo's afraid because she knows that boy would never like her because he too thinks she's a freak along with the rest of the school because that's what you are Cleo a fucken freak"

"Cathy that's enough" Luke stated, my heart was pounding and my mind was boggled I couldn't breath please no.

"Oh but I'm getting to the best part Luke, you see the boy that Cleo likes is the one and only" she paused turning to look at me, her eyes were evil, her tone cold. My eyes began to water and fell down my cheek as she said the two words I wish I never had to hear. "Calum Hood" the room was silent I looked up catching my eyes with Calum he looked shocked just stood there staring at me as if I had ten heads.

Harry moved to my side and wrapped an arm around my waists keeping me stable

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He growled at her,

"Me? Nothing I'm just helping Cleo confess her feeling to bad Calum doesn't feel the same way, his silence says it all. Your a fool Cleo" she growled.

"Your an idiot thinking my BOYFRIEND would like you, he's with me why would he ever want you?" Janis taunted then with out thinking about it poured her drink over my head. I gasped as the cold liquid ran down my back the whole room erupted in laughed and I felt my body give up, my legs felt weak and I began to walk out of the house. I took one last glance at Calum he looked at me but then quickly looked away. I knew he wouldn't like me but with everyone saying he did I got hope. I felt my heart break, tears spilled down my face I turned running as far and as fast as I could away from the house. Away from Cathy, away from Janis, away from the laughing but most importantly away from Calum.

A/N I have dedicated this chapter to CakeMashtonLover because she is awesome and writes great 5sos fan fictions you should defiantly check them out she is a great writer:) she is also a female janoskians hehe great girl check her out DO IT.

I hope you like this chapter, I'm sorry that its short, next one wont be I promise:D


Thank you muchly

Ally xx

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