Chapter sixteen

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I blinked my eyes open, a strong hand was wrapped around my waist stopping me from moving, I smiled to my self rolling over to be face to face with a sleeping Calum. I bit my lip looking at his perfect features, I placed my lips gently on his nose over and over. A smile crept onto his lips but his eyes stayed closed.

"Doing that makes it very hard for me to sleep yeno that right?"

"You shouldn't be sleeping boy" I laughed, he tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me closer keeping his eyes closed.

"Is that so?" he whispered in my ear making shivers run down my back, I smiled to myself and nodded. A husky laugh escaped Calum's lips that made my head spin. He took a deep breath and buried his head in the crook of my neck, his warm breath on my skin I bit my lip but a small laugh escaped my lips.

"And what is so funny?" Calum asked matter of factly, I started to laugh again but more full on and soon I was in fits of laughter, "what?" Calum moaned looked at me and pouting. I bit my lip what could I say 'oh I'm just laughing because you make me feel all giddy and what not' yeah that would end well.

"Nothing I just got the urge to laugh" I confessed it wasn't a lie, Calum raised his eyebrow at me and rested his head comfortably on my pillow, he cracked a smile which was contagious.

"Your an odd one" he confessed smiling "I like it" he winked and i shook my head rolling my eyes.

"What ever you say Hood" I said playfully hitting his chest, he placed his hand on the spot I hit and pouted. He then returned his hand to my waist and pulled me closer our faces mere inches way, he gently moved my hair out if my face and placed his lips on my ear

"That wasn't very nice" he stated with a slight growl in his voice, he then moved back so he was facing me I smiled widely at him. I then cuddled into him placing my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beat through the shirt I had leant him, it was one of my dads. He tightened his grip around me as if he never wanted to let me go, and I never wanted him to.

"I'm so tired" he moaned

"That's your fault you made me stay up and play Xbox all night" I stated he chuckled

"That was fun though, your really good except when I scared you that was hilarious" he said laughing at the memory I pouted

"Hey not my fault I was sitting in the dark trapped in the game and you came in and scared me what would you expect me to do?" I whined

"My chest still hurts from where you hit it with the remote"

"Well for all I new you where a killer or robber"

"And an Xbox controller would stop me?"

"Well it shocked you didn't it?" he began to laughed

"I guess so yes"

"Exactly" I smiled. We lay in silence for a moment, the only sound I could here was Calum's heart beat, I closed my eyes and took small breaths. I cuddled into Calum more not ever wanting to let go. Calum let out a deep agitated groan.

"What's wrong?" I asked moving my head to look at him, he looked down at me and stroked my check gently.

"Just wish things were different" he stated with a weak smile, I sat up moving out of Calum's grip, my heart sunk into my stomach I had forgotten. I had let the love I felt for Calum take over my mind and destroy all the hurt. Calum moved to so he was behind me, I was sitting in between his legs. "I ruined out night didn't I?" He said with a pout resting his head on my shoulder. I nodded tears coming into my eyes. "I'm so sorry Cleo" he said in a hushed tone "I really am you deserve so much better then this and I know that any guy would be so lucky to have you I mean seriously lucky." I laughed at his comment thinking 'yeah right'

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