Chapter nineteen

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I puffed my cheeks out waiting awkwardly in Michaels living room. It was just me and Ashton and honestly me and him have never had a proper conversation without Ally around. Ashton sat in the far corner in a black leather seat were as I sat on the leather couch facing the tv. Ashton cleared his throat making me jump.

"Sorry" he mumbled I laughed. Damn this was awkward. "How are you today?" Ashton asked trying to break the tension. I shrugged

"Good my parents are coming home today so I'm excited to see them" I smiled to him he returned it "yourself?"

"I good except I'm worried" he sighed

"About?" I questioned

"Nothing doesn't matter" he waved me off I gave him a stern look, he sighed a leant forward in his chair resting his elbows on his knees "I don't mean to pry and I don't want to over step or anything but I'm worried about Calum" I sighed "he's not himself unless your around cant you to work it out?" I took a deep breath everyone's making it out like I'm the one to blame I'm not.

"Calum made his choice his feelings for me mean nothing he chose Janis" I said in a calm and collected voice even though inside my mind and heart are going wild. I looked at the clock to see it was eight o'clock and right on cue the door bell rang. Ashton looked up as Michael re-entered the room with two diet cokes he handed them to us

"Be a lad and get the door will you Ash?" Michael winked, Ashton rolled his eyes and with force jumped off the chair and headed towards the door Michael stood in the middle of the room awkwardly waiting. We could here a muffle of voices from the hall and then they began getting closer the door opened and Calum walked in, he smiled at Michael and gave me a cautious one, I did not return it just looked down and began playing with my coke can. He took a seat in the corner near me,

"CLEOOOOOOOOOO" someone yelled I turned to see but soon enough Harry landed on a heap beside me or on me. I giggled to myself as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as he rested his head on my arm his body sprawled out on the couch.

"Move up Harry" Charlie said swatting his legs, Harry bundled himself up and became face to face with me, inches away

"Hi" he giggled kissing my cheek I giggled

"Hello" I dragged out the 'o' and swung my head back. He laughed sitting up properly beside me, Calum seemed tense beside me and became fidgety. I sighed Luke sat down beside Charlie I shot him a smirk he glared at me before giving Charlie an innocent smile I chuckled to myself taking a shy sip of my coke.

"Movie?" Michael asked everyone nodded eagerly, he chuckled to himself and then put a movie in the player, he flicked off the lights and the movie began. It was Cloudy with a of meat balls. God I loved that movie. Half way through the movie and I was giggling like a crazy person I mean the movie was a kids film but I'm sorry it's still brilliant. Everyone was laughing with me or at me should I say.

Harry got up to go to the bathroom i fell into the small hole he had created with his body weight I laughed more to myself.

"Hey Mike never give Cleo diet coke again" Luke smirked I shot him a glare

"Hey" I whined

"Hey" Ashton mimicked I stuck my tongue out at him which made him smile,

"You think she's bad on that? you should see her on monster god she's crazy" Charlie laughed beside me

"Hey I'm not crazy I'm awesome" I pouted

"Ah your pretty crazy but that's why we like you so much not like we're normal" Michael said with a perfect smile I nodded

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