Chapter fifthteen

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We kissed, we kept kissing. I couldn't pull myself away, his lips were soft and intoxicating I couldn't think straight as the crazy butterflies erupted in my stomach, the whole world around me was gone it was just me and Calum together. I felt a rush of electricity rush excitedly around my veins, making chills run down my back.

Calum pulled me closer deepening the kiss, my mind grew weak as I lost all my senses. In that moment I knew how much I was in love with Calum. How could I not be? he was perfect.

His dark completion, black hair that bounce every time he walked, his smile that could make any day I was having seem less smothering. He may have his difficulties but everyone does right? in life I have learnt that everyone is going to hurt you, it's impossible for them not to but us as humans have to learn who is worth it. who will we forgive if they hurt us? who will we still love unconditionally no matter what has happened? we have to learn who is worth the hurt. when I ask myself these question one thing springs to mind over and over again.


He is worth it I believe fully that he is worth ever tear, it hurts it really hurts but I don't see how I can ever get over him. I have completely given him my heart, I wish he wouldn't break it I really do but being here now, kissing him. I know he's worth the fight that we can get through what ever life throws our way. we may not be together, we may break up in time but here right now Calum is all I need, he is all I want. My heart was breaking inside my chest although I knew Calum was worth the fight I was so afraid to be hurt. confusing right?

I can't stop myself from feeling this way, I've never had luck with life and I always believe people are just going to hurt me, I trust Calum, I know he's worth it but I still don't know how much heart break I can take. its slowly ripping me to pieces, tearing me apart.

The rain continued to drip down my back making me shutter. Calum pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. He chuckled to himself and a childish grin spread across his face, I looked at him for a moment. He licked his lips and whipped away the last of my tears.

"Come on let's get out of the rain" he said taking my hand in his and leading me away. Our fingers interlocked together without a hint of hesitation, I felt excitement bubble up inside me as me and Calum walked together I had never felt so comfortable, so safe. We arrived back to mine in silence, Calum let go of my hand to let me unlock the door, I turned to see Calum heading down the road towards his house, he walked slowly as if something was pulling him back.

"Do you want to come in? no ones here?" I asked shyly, a cheeky grin spread across Calum's face.

"I would love to" he smiled he jogged back to me and pushed me backwards into the house. A smile spread across my face I bit my lip to stop myself from squealing, I spun around on my heels my eyes locking intensely with Calum's.

"don't do that, or I might have to kiss you again" he said with seriousness but his lips began to curl up at the ends into a playful smile. I rolled my eyes and rushed past him running up the stairs, I reached the top wanting to high five myself for not falling. Calum charged up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, a giggle escaped my lips which made Calum smirk. we began to sway together peacefully it felt so right like ever past relationship was just a lead up to this. I was unsure to how easy this journey with Calum would be but I knew I would fight for it no matter how hard because I knew now Calum wanted me too and what ever secret he was hiding I would find out, I closed my eyes leaning my head back onto his shoulder I took a deep breath letting his intoxicating sent take me over.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" he whispered to me carefully kissing my neck, I smiled to myself as tingles hit every spot he kissed.

"So do I" I replied, Calum let out a loud sigh "why can't it" I turned so I was facing him, his hands were resting on the low of my back I placed my arms on his chest. "you don't want to be with Janis, right?" I asked hopefully, Calum smiled

unlimited(5SOS fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon