Chapter fourteen

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Cleos POV

Calum seemed taken aback at my comment and so was I, I never liked being mean to people. But then again I deserved to stand up for myself.

"you can't just go standing in the middle of the road Cleo" he snapped "you could have died" he panted.

"Why do you care?" I groaned trying to stand up but failing as a shooting pain shot up my leg. 'Great' I thought resting back uncomfortably on the pavement. I pushed my wet hair out of my face letting the rain hit it. I closed my eyes and let the rain take me over

"Of course I care? why wouldn't I care? we're friends-"

"Are we? that's what I thought until you let you girlfriend treat me like shit. I thought we were friends but apparently I was wrong" his face softened

"I hate the way Janis treats you and I promise you it will stop. And I am your friend, I regret not running after you or stepping in when she was bashing you at the party I just didn't no what to say"

"You had time to think you could have come to me earlier not days later, how do you think I felt? it killed me inside because I thought you didn't care about what happened and before I thought you cared about me and then all of this? I just didn't know what to think because you broke my heart into a million little pieces and I hate you for that but the worst thing is I can't hate you because despite everything you have put me through I am still 100% precent head over heels in love with you" I jumped to my feet ignoring the pain in my ankle, I was crying heavily another reason I loved the rain it just washed away all you tears as if they never excited but I alway knew they would.

Calum stood too, he raised his hand and ruffled his hair droplets jumping hysterically. His eyes were stuck to mine, he ran his tongue along his bottom lip and I so badly just wanted to kiss him. I so badly just wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss Calum Hood but like everything it was just a fairy tale. I took a deep breath trying to calm my voice before I spoke again.

"You know what hurts the most?" I asked slowly, Calum looked to the ground then back to my eyes. I was quick to look away looking at the rain falling so fast in the distance.

"I thought you might have liked me" I laughed half heartedly "everyone was telling me he likes you, why wouldn't he? That's what they all said but they were all wrong why would you like me?" I threw my arms up in frustration. Calum didn't speak.

"I am nothing, I am worthless, I am just some girl who fell in love, what difference is my story to anyone else's? why on earth would I get the guy?" I laughed once more "I am just a silly girl who figured out why it was called a crush"

Silence. we stood in silence, Calum opened his mouth as if to speak but no words came out and he closed in again. he shoved his hands deep into his pockets and stared awkwardly at the ground.

"You are far from worthless trust me on that, there are things going on that I so badly wish didn't exist because it caused all this, I am so sorry Cleo so sorry." His voice broken between his words and I could help but cry more

"You will never no how Important you are to me, never say that about yourself"

"All I can remember is people hurting me, every boy crushing me. I thought you were different I thought you were going to be the one who helps me through it all gets me out of bad habits and shows me everything will be okay, I thought you would be good for me. I gave you my heart and you crushed it into pieces. I want my heart back I want it mended." I covered my mouth with my shaking hands as the tears poured harder. Calum took a step forward and I took one back, he noticed and sighed heavily

"What was i to you?" I questioned "just another girl? someone to bust your ego? just another girl to play, what was I?" I yelled, Calum looked away, I threw my hands up in irritation as Calum's sad eyes locked with mine. I threw my head back and let the rain drip down me.

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