1.1| reunions

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"I've gotta know, can work it out? Scream and shout, 'till we work it out?"

Beverly made her way to where she thought most of the destruction had occurred. "Oh my." She gasped upon seeing the destroyed home that used to be a room, that now had the wall blown out of it. In the corner she heard groaning and saw what ha to be a muggle, on the ground passed out.

"Muggle, come on wake up now darling." She soothed as the healing side of her came out, gently shaking the big man, noticing the bite mark on his neck. She tilted his head to get a look at it, before screaming as a flash of pink flew at her with a hiss. Beverly scrambled to get up, grabbing onto the rat like creature with an annoyed frown.

And quickly, a blur of a person walked into the room, immediately pulling out his wand, soundlessly preforming a spell as he sat on the bed, the room repairing itself around them. The Murtlap took the chance of Beverly's distraction, wiggling out of her grip before hiding back under the muggle.

Beverly shrugged at the loss of the creature, more curious on the person who was in the room. So she turned, looking at the wizard only to see a face she never thought she would see again. "Newt?" She felt excitement burst through her that was replaced with hurt and slight anger as she remembered how she hadn't gotten a reply from her letters in ages. A whole year. And even though she had lied to herself enough to get over it, and believe he was dead, seeing him brought back all of those buried feelings.

The love she once held for the boy.
The hurt when he never said anything.
And the heartbreak when he never replied.

"Beverly?" Newt asked wanting to smile, kept from doing so, seeing as she seemed anything but happy.
"I thought you were dead." She said in a whisper that he barely heard. But what she said made him feel guilty throughout his entire being. He read every one of Beverly's letters, keeping them with him wherever he went.

However, Newt could never stay focused it seemed. Whenever he tried to write one, he would get sidetracked from his creatures and studying them. You would think that even Newton Scamander, one of the busiest of wizards could spare a few minutes to sit and return one letter, to the woman who he still thought of daily.

"Mr. Scamander!" Tina scurried into the room with a purpose, not realizing the tension between the two, and not particularly caring that Beverly was there. Over the years of living with the Weasley, she learned to accept that her curiosity and drive led her anywhere at anytime. Tina's eyes immediately fled to the case that sat 'innocently' on Newt's lap as he tried to give her a smile. "Was it open?"

"Just a smidge."
"And that crazy Niffler thing is on the loose again?"

'That was our Niffler that I saw earlier?' Beverly thought to herself, ignoring the look of distress on her flatmate's face.
"Er- it might be."

The older Goldstein woman gave a look of distress before scrambling around the room to look for the creature that was most likely long gone. "Then look for it!" She hissed before her eyes found the groaning Muggle and went over to him, Beverly and Newt eyeing her with slight amusement. "His necks bleeding, he's hurt!"

"And I have ginger hair and the sky is blue." Beverly said under her breath with a roll of her eyes, "He's going to be fine." Throughout this, Newt was trying to go out of the door to leave but stopped hearing Tina's scream of fear as the Murtlap jumped out at her, Scamander catching it just in time.

"Mercy Lewis what is that!" Tina shouted, completely angered by how much this wizard was hiding.

"Nothing to worry about, that is a Murtlap." Newt answered grappling the animal into his case.
"Is Dougal in there?" Beverly asked eagerly, wanting to see her furry friend.
"Should be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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