0.5| secrets

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"And it's not complete yet, mustn't get our feet wet, cause that leads to regret."

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"So, you and Newt seem to be getting quite close." Leta said as they unpacked their clothes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm spending the summer with him." Beverly grinned, levitating a shirt in the dirty pile. "He's a fantastic guy, I really like him." As a friend of course.

"He seems very... innocent."
"Well he doesn't have many friends, and people think he's strange."

"Well if you think he is the cherry on top of your ice cream then I should be friends with him too." Leta smiled innocently. Beverly frowned at the idea but only for a moment.

Leta was very selfish you see, and after being friends with her for so long Beverly was aware. But she was also aware that Newt could use more friends, reach out to more people. So for the sake of Newt she pretended to be okay with the idea but in reality she was dreading the fact that she had to share Newt.

✦ ✦ ✦

        "Awe he's still sitting alone!" Leta sighed looking over at Newton Scamander. Beverly rolled her eyes,

"I invited him over here over break, he says he likes the time to research." She explained to her doe-eyed friend. In fact, Newt really didn't enjoy speaking to people while he ate and insisted that she stayed with her friends during meal-time, not that Beverly was offended or minded. However, Leta's stubbornness for this plan to work ignored Beverly completely.

"I'm going to sit with the poor guy." Leta grabbed her things turning to Beverly as Leta saw she was going to join her. "Don't come actually, it can give me time to meet him myself! Besides he can probably help me with my Care of Magical Creatures homework." She winked.

"Since when did you take that class?"

"I asked McGonagall to change my time table as I was bored of Potions."

"But thats our class." Beverly frowned, anger enveloping her. "You said that we'd take it together every year!"

"Grow up Beverly! Its no big deal. Besides, Newt, you, and I have Care of Magical creatures together now too!" Leta gave a sickly sweet smile to the borderline exploding Weasley.

Potions was their class, its where they'd gossip, study, and basically rule the class. Now who would frustrate Professor Scrimegour with Beverly?

Beverly watched as her friend strutted over to Newt, the Scamander boy looking utterly helpless as he continued to avert his eyes from Leta. Leta being so friendly it was borderline flirting. Maybe she was flirting.

With an annoyed sigh Beverly got up from the table, heading over to Potions alone. The class was near the  common room making it easy access to get her books before she went to the class, also giving her time to think.

Sadly that time wasn't long as she heard the sound of teasing around the corner, compelling her to see who it was and wether she'd leave it alone or not.

Sometimes if it was a fight, she would just laugh and either join the crowd or leave it be, however bullying was something she couldn't stand. And that was exactly what she saw. "Tell me, how much does your mother hate you to give you a name of Newt Scamander?"

"My mother loves me quite a lot on the contrary-"
"Pity, she had to give birth to someone as weird as you!" It was a Slytherin boy with his gang, who had shoved Newt and caused his books to fall to the ground. "Newt Salamander, the alone charity case, with no friends, I feel bad for you."

Lightening ✦ Newt Scamander Where stories live. Discover now