0.1| beverly weasley

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"You've got these little things, you wanted something more. You'll either get or I guess you won't."

✦ ✦ ✦

        The Slytherin girl marched through the halls with a purpose. Her head held high with determination in her eyes and heart. Everyone should've known by now.

Never mess with Beverly Weasley or her friends.

Beverly was a witty, sharp minded girl. With a loyal and protective spirit that clashed well with her ambition. Beverly did anything she put her mind to, pushing away anything in her path.

To adults, she was charming, independent, and driven.
To students, she was a sought out friend but no one was brave enough to try. She could be very blunt and harsh if she didn't like you.

However, one thing was certain. Her hair sure did match her fiery anger.

"Abraxas Elmwood." Her voice was as dainty as a flower but as powerful as a lions roar as she glared down at the Ravenclaw who was eating his food innocently.

"What do you want Beverly." His voice stood out in a bored tone further angering the Ravenclaw. He didn't even make a move to look at her.

"You turn around and face me before I hex you." She calmly said. Everyone knew it wasn't a threat, but a promise.

The Ravenclaw, with a roll of his eyes, turned to face the small but mighty Beverly that was fuming, as she pulled him up by his blue and silvered tie that he did not deserve because of how stupid he was.

Abraxas's eyes widened considerably as he was taken to her eye level forcefully. "Did you insult Leta for being a virgin?"

She spoke in hushed tones but she had grasped everyone's attention as usual. "N-no."

"Don't. Lie. To. Me."

He seemed to be fearing for his life which exactly what the girl wanted. She wanted to defend Leta, who was always there for her. "I-I might've said something about it."

Beverly smiled sadistically letting Abraxas go. Did I forget to mention why everyone was scared of her? She was extremely powerful for a fifth year. By now she was preforming wandless and even silent spells. She was a prodigy.

"What are you going to do?"
"What would be the fun in telling you?"

✦ ✦ ✦

Her rain of terror on the Elmwood descendant lasted a week. Starting with a stinging hex, to a swollen head, a temporary hair loss spell, going through many other curses and ending the week with a simple punch to his face, sending him to the hospital wing.

No one knew a thing that the hexes were from her because no one could tell. It was so subtly casted with twirl of her finger as she passed him.

But her job was done. And Leta was happy.

"Thank you so much!" Leta gushed running to hug her friend as she saw her curiously roaming the halls.
"Shh." Beverly giggled wrapping her arms around the brunette. "It's nothing love. Promise."

She stepped from the hug with an excited grin. "I'm heading to the forbidden forest, do you want to come?"

"Why on earth would we go there?" Leta looked confused and down right worried for her friend. As if she had gone insane.

"Why the Hippogriffs of course!" Beverly had always had a fascination for the magical creatures. It was strange really as nowadays you learned that creatures were to be feared but to Beverly no creature could scare her. She was so brave she could've been a Gryffindor.

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