0.7| first kiss

418 18 2

"Hear my Sinners Prayer, I am what I am. And I don't wanna break the heart of any man but you, but you."
{important a/n about beverly at the end}

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Newt had kept to his word about not talking to Leta anymore, by his own choice of course. He was going to slowly back off from her wether that argument between him and Beverly had happened or not.

Despite his efforts to try to get their friendship back to the place it was, Beverly didn't pay as much attention to him anymore. She was more short tempered, and self absorbed.

She was distant from him. She wasn't as trusting with him but Newt didn't blame her. At all.

Beverly still planned to spend the summer with him, making Newt relieved. However, Beverly had only friendship in her mind. She no longer wanted Newt to be a distraction in her life. She no longer wanted to be the one chasing for him. So she stopped. She stopped being the chaser.

She focused on herself and what she wanted to be and she knew exactly what that was as the year came to an end. A ministry healer.

Of course there were healers in the ministry to keep things under wraps. The ministry hardly tells all of the truth so if an auror got in a duel with a rising wizard, the auror would need someone to monitor their health while keeping their secrets.

She also heard you could come up with new ways to heal, which sealed the deal for her.

"One more week of school!" Serena cheered sitting next to Beverly at the Slytherin table. "How were you're O.W.L.S?"

"Fantastic!" Beverly gushed as she thought about her grades. "I got Outstanding's in Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, and Defense against the Dark Arts. In Charms, Transfiguration, and Divination I received Exceeds Expectations. However I did get acceptable in History of Magic and a poor in Arithmacy. What about you?"

"Oh I got Outstanding's in everything but I studied since the beginning of school."

"You're so strange." Beverly giggled before her big smile was wiped off her face, seeing Serena's distant look. "What's wrong?"

"How are you and Newt going?" Serena answered Beverly's question with a question. Looking behind her to see Newt distractedly pushing around his food.

"We're... going." Beverly asked in an almost confused tone. As they were on basically, strictly business speaking terms, it was hard to say if they were really friends and for Newt, it was really taking a toll.

He seemed borderline sick with guilt. He couldn't sleep, eat, and was more anti-social than usual. Newt only thought about how he screwed things up with the most amazing girl he had ever met. And there was no one to blame but himself.

"He looks terrible. Are you sure you can't give him a second chance?"

"Look... I want to. And I'm trying, believe me I am. However, I'm not going to go hug him and be with him all the time just because of a sad face. I'll be with him all summer, we'll be back just as things were before in no time."

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        Well as school came to a close and they were back at Ms. Scamander's for the summer, the two acted like thirdly related cousins. Had history that neither brought up, and awkward whilst near each other.

"So erm, I was thinking we could go for the easiest first." Newt's eyes avoided her, feeling as if she were a stranger once more.

"Like Bowtruckles!" Beverly grinned pulling out a large textbook to look up the little guy. "They live in clans in trees and are the cutest little things-"

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