0.10| goodbye's

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"If I had only felt how it feels to be yours, well I would've known what I've been living for."

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"What do you mean a trial?" Beverly outburst as she watched Newt pack his things around his room, herself sitting on his bed, levitating his packed things back to where they were.

"I mean, that I've been expelled after the trial." Newt sighed watching his neatly folded shirts go back to the drawer.
"No! I could've helped. Said it wasn't your fault-"

"Dumbledore spoke for you and even then I'm still expelled." Newt grabbed a hovering book, tossing it back in his case. "Stop that."

"Beverly I have to leave." Newt was frowning at the saddened girl, loving and hating that she was being so difficult.
"I-I can keep you in the case! And we can still go to Hogwarts together." Beverly was stumbling over her words, not wanting her best friend to leave. "We can make you an animaguas!"

"You are not leaving!" The stubborn girl shouted in frustration. It was like finding out your best friend was moving, and you could do everything to stop it. But still you couldn't, ultimately powerless. "It's not fair."

"It's completely fair." He replied angering and saddening the tiny girl. "My creature got loose and endangered the life of a student."

"She was scared."
"She was illegal to even have, Beverly."

Beverly was running out of ideas her voice becoming a whine and helplessness running through her. "What are you going to do? "

"I don't know." Newt replied honestly sitting next to Beverly, looking at his Hufflepuff room for the last time. "But I'll be okay."

"I won't!" Beverly earnestly cried facing her body to the boy she came to love. "You can't- I- we-" For the first time she seemed to be at a loss of words. Which was a new experience for the both of them. "I-I mean, I j-just- Newt!"

She had to many things to say, the words wouldn't form, she couldn't think of a way to get the words out. Too many feelings, too many thoughts.

Newt hesitated before wrapping an arm around Beverly, loving how her body seemed to relax in his hold. "We'll still be friends right?"

Beverly never hated the idea of being friends more.

"Always, and I'll visit during the summer?"
"I'll miss you still."

"It's just did a year right?"

A year could change a lot of things.

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Dear Newt,

I miss you.
I know it's stupid to say as I've only been back at school for a few weeks but it's not the same. In the summer we saw each other everyday and went on adventures.

Life just seems slow.

Even then, Hogwarts is dull this year. Seventh year is supposed to be the best but I'm hardly taking any classes as I've got Outstanding's on all of the ones I needed to be a healer.

I can't wait to see you over Christmas break, and how is the ministry job going for you?

Say hi to Dougal for me!


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