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"Rockabye baby, don't you cry, somebody's got you."

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Getting out of the train was nerve racking for Beverly, not that she'd admit that.

But Newt could tell as he pulled her to the side into an empty compartment. "Don't be nervous."

"I'm not-"
"You mustn't lie to me Beverly."

"Fine." She admitted with a roll of her eyes. "I'm nervous to meet your family. I'm sure they're lovely, it's just out of my comfort zone."

"I'd expect you not to have one." He joked grabbing her hand to yank her out of the train.

"Newton Scamander you nearly pulled my arm from the socket!" She chastised as he led her to his parents which just consisted of his mother making Beverly question where his father was.

But there was a man but there was no way he was Newts father as he resembled too much of his mother.

"You must be Beverly Weasley! Oh how I've heard such great things of you!" His mother, Arabella Scamander brought Beverly into a much unsuspected hug, making Beverly drop her trunk in shock. It took her a moment to hug Ms.Scamander back but she soon did, not used to this much motherly contact.

"So Newt can bring home a girl home for a week but when I bring one girl home for a day-"
"Oh shove off." Newt shoved his brother only for him to grab him in a headlock, rubbing his head vigorously with his fist.

While the brothers were distracted Ms.Scamander pulled Beverly to the side grabbing the girls hands at her sides. "He said you were pretty but his letters didn't serve you justice at all."

Beverly was a very prideful person and usually this might've inflated her ego but knowing Newt talked to his mother about her and called her pretty, it made her blush. It made her feel bashful.

"Thank you so much for being there for Newt. Especially this year with his father... he's just so lucky to have you."

"On the contrary Ma'am I think it's the other way around." Beverly honestly said. Her mind lingered over the bit about his father but decided not to pay it any mind. It wasn't her business and if Newt didn't want to tell her, she was fine with it.

"Boys!" Ms.Scamander got the now wrestling brothers attention, then jumping apart. "Theseus, be a dear and grab Beverly's bag please."

"Oh no, it's fine." Beverly denied, and with a wave of her hand her case had shrunken so small she put it in her robe pocket. She gave a smile to the astounded looking Theseus before making her way to Newt, already feeling more comfortable.

She couldn't explain it but she felt uneasy around his brother. Almost threatened. And Beverly hated feeling threatened or even vaguely intimidated.

Theseus had an angular face with dark messy hair, and a faint freckles matching Newt's. That was the only thing they had similar besides their identical noses.
He wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't as good looking as Newt.

"Your a fifth year correct?" Theseus asked and Beverly restrained from rolling her eyes.

"Yes." Her tone was flat and rude, but he didn't seem to catch on.
"And your already preforming wandless and soundless spells."

"Amazing! Have you ever considered working for the ministry?"

"Theseus she's not even in her seventh year." Arabella Scamander chortled. "Let her breathe. Now let's get going!"

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