0.6| i need you

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"Tell me pretty lies, look me in the face. Tell me that you love me, even if it's fake."

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        The snow was melting from the ground, days lasting just a bit longer as spring canoe around.

But as the seasons changed. So did Newt and Beverly. Every Wednesday, they would meet to plan for their future adventures and to just hang out.

However Leta and him seemed to be closer. Leta would sit by him through every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They would always be chatting in the halls and the only time Beverly got to see Newt was in their free period and Care of Magical Creatures... when he wasn't with Leta that is.

So in turn, Serena and Beverly had gotten more attached to each other, Serena being on Beverly's side for anything and vice versa.

"Hey Newt!" Beverly called from behind in the crowded hallway her smile matching his when he turned. "Um I was wondering if you'd want to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow? We don't see much of each other anymore and I thought it would be nice."

"Oh yes, definitely." He grinned honestly loving the idea. "We can go from lunch down to Hogsmeade if you'd like to sit with me."
Beverly gasped dramatically. "Me? Sit with the mysterious Newt Scamander? Are you sure?"

"Oh shove off." He shoved her in the arm a bit chuckling. "And yeah, you and Leta are friends so it should be okay?"
"I'll see you then. And also," She paused before leaving. "Stop letting her walk over you."

"She doesn't-"
"Everyone sees it. It's sad and borderline bullying. You're doing her homework Newt. And she flirts with you all the time to keep you in." Newt looked to the ground in embarrassment from Beverly's truthful words. "Grow a spine and tell her to back off. It's what I did."

And Beverly was lost in the crowd. Leaving Newt to think about her words. Deep down he knew she was right, but he was blinded by Leta's fake sweet smile and flood of compliments.

✦ ✦ ✦

        Beverly put on a golden slip that went to her knees, covering herself with a sheer rose pink dress that flowed breezily just below her knees. She wore regular black flats as they were the easiest thing she could find.

Beverly reached the great hall before Leta, making her smile as she could sit next to him. "Good morning."

"You look very pretty, I've never seen you in a dress before." Beverly smiled at the compliment, not used to fluttering in her stomach.
"Skirts are kind of similar aren't they?"

"I guess so, you just look different." He commented as Beverly reached for the scrambled eggs, putting a large spoonful on her plate, and two strips of bacon after grabbing buttered bread taking a bite into it.

"Well, thank you." She said with a genuine smile causing on to grow on Newt's face.
"Hello Newt, Beverly." Leta greeted as she sat across from the two. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well you spend all your time with Newt nowadays." She snidely commented, the hidden meaning going right over Newt's oblivious head. "And your out so late that I don't even see you in the common room."

Newt froze upon hearing this. He never told Beverly about his little outings with Leta Lestrange down in his case. He had felt so guilty about the broken promise but Leta was just so infuriatingly curious about the case he carried everywhere, Leta was on the bridge of tears that he refused to tell her for so long.

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