0.9| lightning

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"I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of me."

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"How was your summer?" Serena beamed as she opened the compartment that Newt and Beverly occupied.

"Eventful." Beverly supplied for the pair, knowing Newt still felt uncomfortable with Serena. "Yours?"

"Just brilliant! My parents took me all the way to New York..." Beverly tuned out her talkative friend, as her stories droned on. As much as Beverly loved her friend, she was a bit of a talker. Suddenly, Beverly jumped as an invisible weight was on her lap. However she relaxed once her finger's felt the soft fur of Dougal. The beast wise enough to stay invisible and somehow get out of the case.

Dougal was such a beautiful creature to Beverly. His silky fur as smooth as a waterfall but rough like the water crashing into the rocks. To most he was a funny looking animal with wrinkled skin around his moon like eyes, with eyebrow looking hair above them. Not to mention the bear like hairs around his mouth. Wise was the way to describe how he looks. And to Beverly, wise is one of the most lovely things to be.

Wisdom is a story. The more you experience, the more you have to tell. Wisdom creates the painting of a person. How wise you are depicts what you've been through. Shows how many memories you have. Shows the person you are.

Beverly looked towards Newt's case that sat on his lap, one of the latches undone. "Newt, the latch." She informed gesturing to it with a nod of her head, chuckling as the boy frantically shut it. "Wouldn't want anything falling out. You should probably talk to Dumbledore to fix it."

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"So a whole summer with Newt." The voice of Leta Lestrange startled Beverly as the girl rolled her eyes.
"Since when are we on speaking terms?"

"What did I ever do?" Leta feigned innocence making Beverly scoff as she levitated her trunk up the stairs.

"Ditch me from Newt, used Newt, oh and I don't know be an all around bitch?" She snapped, Leta's eyes widening at her truthful response. "I'm no one's second choice, or back up. I have too much self respect for myself."

"As if! You were lucky that I even wanted to be your friend! All you are is some high and mighty Slytherin who likes to boss people around!" Let screamed, completely disgusted that someone was finally figuring her out.

So, she turned the tables, made it so it was Beverly in the wrong.
Leta always had good intentions in her own strange way. Despite the fact that Beverly was one of her closest friends whom she loved, her jealousy showed more. She was jealous how everyone loved Beverly, everyone wanted to be her friend.

Jealous of the genuine beauty Beverly had, the self respect she had, the best of the worst qualities that she owned confidently. Beverly held herself high and knew she could be bossy, however she knew she was right ninety five percent of the time. Beverly knew she was possessive and jealous, but she always protected her few loved ones.

Beverly was cunning, but she knew what she wanted an how to get it. Beverly knew she could be mean, however it wasn't something she tried to hide.
She held herself above everyone in a confident way, an untouched way, and everybody knew it. If Beverly ever had any doubt or insecurity, no one knew of it. Unless you were Newt Scamander of course.

And Leta was jealous of that.

"Leta, you're lucky I chose you to be my friend. I looked past your selfishness, I gave you my trust and friendship even if you didn't deserve it. But, since I'm so bossy, I'll let you g follow someone else around like a lost puppy to relieve you. Have a nice year." And with a sarcastic smile, Beverly made her way up the stairs, to her room.

Lightening ✦ Newt Scamander Where stories live. Discover now