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"She lives in her world so unaware, does she know my destiny lies with her?"

        Seven years

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        Seven years.

The two hadn't seen each other in seven years.

The first few years Beverly and Newt stayed in contact frequently, but their lives grew apart, however they still lingered in each other's lives. Beverly doing her best to send letters every week, only getting a reply once in a while. She enjoyed writing to Newt though she thought he didn't find her important anymore. When she wrote to him, it was like writing to someone you once knew.

Beverly was succeeding well in her job, the top in her line of work, one of the most respected in MACUSA actually. Beverly was coming up with new treatments every week, her matters of healing even making the newspapers. The twenty four year old was at her prime.

But sometimes, she hated her job, when she found it perpetually slow, on days like this. All of the Auror's were out, trying to find the thing wrecking havoc on New York City.

"Why are you all in a slump?" Queenie Goldstein asked her friend who was sprawled on the couch in the apartment they shared. "Oh... your bored of your job. And... waiting for that boy's letter."

"I thought you said you had a hard time reading Brit's minds?" Beverly returned in a borderline snappy tone as the beautiful blonde chuckled.
"I've been sharing an apartment with you for years now, of course I can read your mind. What's up with you and this Salamander boy anyways?"

"It's Scamander, and I write him every week, I'm not really expecting him to return the favor anymore." Beverly shrugged easily. She stopped hurting over the fact a long time ago, or at least she lied to herself enough to the point she believed those lies. In reality she thought the man was dead, as he never replied in a year.

She felt a pressure in he head as Queenie tried to look for more memories but Beverly stopped her quickly, "I'd appreciate if you didn't go through my mind at the moment."

"Sorry honey, it's a habit."
"Anyways, where's your sister?"

"You know for someone who has been living with her for so long I'd expect you two to like each other." Queenie's tone was light as she magically cleaned the house, curls bouncing as she walked.
"She called me trashy and useless!" Beverly burst in rage thinking of the argument from years ago. "She saw me flirt one time! To get papers, the man was relentless! And useless! With the amount of times I saved her life! What a-"

"She's still my sister, don't call her that." Queenie quipped with a giggle. "She can be a handful but she means well, she did apologize."

"And I accepted, doesn't mean I'm going to be going dress shopping with her anytime soon." Beverly huffed stubbornly. "I betcha she's still down at those Salemer's gatherings."

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