CHAPTER #1- The Deal

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Riley's POV:

As soon as I know everyone’s asleep, I practically jump out of bed. I go to my wardrobe and grab a couple of old t-shirts and pairs of jeans, along with a flashlight and other necessary items I’ll need.

I was finally doing it. I was going to Neverland. I had everything planned out. I had asked Melody to come as well, but she had refused my offer. Wimp.

I shove all of my items into a cheap, drawstring bag, and change out of my nightclothes into a pair of jeans, a navy hoodie, and my beloved combat boots.

Much better than any of those poufy dresses my parents make me wear, I think to myself.

I walk over to my bedroom door and take a quick survey of my room. An antique four-post bed sits alone in the middle, with my wardrobe in the back left corner and a vanity to my right. The walls were bare, a dull white color. The only light in the room came from the moon shining radiantly through my window, casting the shadows of the trees onto my bed in eerie shapes and forms.

I creep briskly down the hall, knowing the palace guards are asleep on duty. Daddy should really hire some new guards, ones that would actually do their job correctly. But I’m not complaining. It just makes it all the more easier to escape.

I slip past the guards and race out of my castle and into the crisp, cool air outside. I run as fast as I can through the dismal forest, tripping over a few bumps along the path. The cool night breeze flows through my ginger hair as I run, glistening in the moonlight as I sprint to Rumple’s Castle.

"He better not be angry I'm coming so late," I say breathlessly to myself, "This in itself is dangerous."

As I approach, I go through the plan one last time in my head. I knock on the towering door of the castle. The castle is huge, even larger than mine, with dull grey stones lining all along the outside. At the top were large towers with pointy roofs. No one answers the door. I knock again, more hurriedly this time. Still, no answer. I hear some movement from inside the castle, along with a few murmurs.

"Hello?" I yell, trying to peer through the nearby window.

Just as I do, the door slowly begins to open. A head appears through the crack of the door. It's Rumple. He wears some sort of suit made from what appears to be crocodile skin, his attire living up to his nickname. His hair was shoulder length and curly, but yet filthy with some unknown substance.

Ever since the second curse was cast, everyone returned to their normal selves, which means that Rumple had his high pitch voice and perturbing manner again. The moonlight shone upon his skin. Were those scales? I would never know.

Trying not to gag, I say, "I need to make a deal with you."

He nods and ushers me inside the castle. He's just beaming at me, slightly tilting his head as if seeing what I’m worth. Creepy.

He knows who I am. I’ve made numerous other deals with him, normally about this time at night.

As I walk into the parlor, I can’t help but notice the old, tattered paintings on the walls, the ancient looking furniture. All you had to do was but a sign on the door that said ‘Antique Shop’ and you’d be set. The only lighting of the room came form the dismal fire, casting a ghostly glow upon the walls. The area was three stories high, with fourteen-foot windows with burgundy curtains hanging limply from the poles they were suspended on.

"What do you want so late in the evening?" he asks inquiringly, making more syllables on ‘evening’ then there should be.

"I need a shell bracelet like the one you gave my mother, Ariel, that turned her from mermaid to a human? Except, I need it to do the opposite. Turn me into a mermaid. I want to go to Neverland, but my parents don't know so you're going to have to keep it a secret."

"Well, dearie, I can do that for you, but for a price."

Of course. The price. I hate this part.

"I need your voice for one day, so by the time you make it to Neverland, it will be back."

"What do you need my voice for?"

"Nothing that concerns you, dearie"

I sigh. Part of me doesn’t even want to know.


He laughs in his spine-chilling way of his. Why is he so disturbing? In his hand appeared a bracelet covered randomly in different kinds of shells.

"Here you go. Oh, and one word of advise," He says, then pauses, looking around as if someone were watching, "Beware of Pan, for he is a Bloody Demon."

"Thanks." I say, and walk out of the castle.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now