Season Ticket Holders

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A/N: It was Ken Magee who started me off on this 'drabbling business'. Ken describes a 'drabble as a short story of less than one hundred words. Season Ticket Holders is my first attempt and I would appreciate your feedback . I saw this happening at Banbury Station over a week while waiting for the 08.15 train to Oxford.




You can spot them easily on the platforms.  They’re the ones with the proprietorial air: as if they actually belong there.

Watching them, the wait for the train becomes a piece of theatre. A one scene play.

Newcomers to the cast learn the script on their first day; rehearse it the second and are proficient by the third.

Now they congregate with those who seek to occupy the same small spaces within the vastness of the platform.

The unknowing as yet unaware that here the doors leading to favoured compartments will arrive with the train.

WORDS : 97 (inc. title)

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