Chapter 13: Zira

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Mira was sent to go get some supplies from the market.

Because this was totally safe considering she had just been kidnapped earlier that week.

Of course Zak was going with her.

Ezra protested WAY too much.

"I swear! I wasn't dating at her age now was I?" He said trying to cross his arms (and failing because they both had casts)

"Honey. At 14 you used the lamest pick up line on me ever. And we hadn't even properly met!" Sabine said, recalling that moment.

"Well..yea...but I was cute! This kid isn't so I don't know WHAT she sees in him." He said trying to form an excuse.

"....he literally doesn't look that different than you did. Just saying...." Sabine said, pulling out a photo album to show him.

He facepalmed remembering.

"We're going now. We'll be back soon." Mira said, entering the room with Zak.

"I have the BEST idea ever. How about I go with Mira and Zak stays behind?" Ezra suggested.

"Ezra the both of us entirely failed at protecting Mira. Let's just remember that Chopper was the only one who really did anything." Sabine said, and Chopper beeped happily.

Ezra again tried to cross his arms and failed.

"Daddddd." Mira said rolling her eyes.

"Go along sweetie." Sabine said, then whispered "I ship you both. The ship name is Zira."

Mira blushed and tried to hide it.

Zak clearly heard it since Sabine wasn't good as whispering. He just stood there wondering how he just got himself a girl already. The guys back at the main Rebellion headquarters would be freaking out.

"Let's go." Mira said, turning and walking out of the Ghost.

The two of them strolled down to Lothal.

Little did they know what lay ahead.







Because I'm evil I'm not giving you an authors note. Just...beware...

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