Part 44

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Fear immediately pulsed through my body as I threw my hands over my mouth, trying to muffle my sobs at the sight of Dwight standing above us.

Daryl quickly stood in front of me, shielding me from whatever Dwight was capable of doing; but he did nothing.

His lips pursed together as his focus continued to switch between Daryl and I, a silence filled the stairway, only to be broken by my quiet, fearful sobs.
At this point, I was sure that this was it; I had used up all of my chances and Negan was going to kill one of us.. hell, maybe even both.

Dwight then roughly grabbed Daryl by the shoulder of the dirty sweatshirt he was wearing, pulling him farther up the stairs before turning back to me, "Stop crying and walk out that door like nothing ever happened or we're all dead." He harshly instructed.

I stood in shock as I watched him drag Daryl out the door I came in from, confusion and worry filling my mind.
I quickly wiped my face, trying to slow my breathing while my head continued to spin.

I have no idea what just happened.


After minutes of trying to regain my composure, I continued down the stairs and to the door Dwight had pointed at; I had no idea what was on the other side but I really had no choice.

I took a deep breath, pushing the large metal door open, immediately hearing the unmistakable sound of multiple hungry walkers.

"What in the world do you think you're doing out here, darling?" A familiar voice said, causing me to look in its direction to see Negan smirking at me, Lucille placed over his shoulder.

I shrugged, stepping out further, "I got done with inventory early so I just decided to look around, I guess."

He cocked his head at me, beckoning me over with his finger to which I complied.

"Did I tell you to do that?" He asked lowly, still watching his workers by the fence.

"Well, I wouldn't have if you didn't force Joey to come work out here." I retorted, causing Negan to chuckle.

"Shit, I thought I would have fucked that attitude out of you by now."

"Nope, not even close." I said bluntly, causing Negan to look over at me, an amused look on his face.

"Well, then I guess we'll just have to change that, won't we?" He smirked, his free arm quickly snaking around my waist before guiding me over to the door I came from.

A small voice in my head kept telling me to resist, but after all the emotion I'd just been feeling minutes before, I was aching to feel something; anything. An empty hole inside of me was just begging to be filled and I couldn't stop myself from wanting to satisfy it.

As we made it up the stairs and into the hallway, I just prayed that Daryl and Dwight wouldn't be there. I don't know if I could face Daryl and I'm terrified that Dwight's going to use what he has against us the second he gets a chance to.
But thankfully, the halls were nearly vacant besides a few random workers who promptly kneeled when Negan came into their view.

I decide to stop this chapter here to warn you all that the next chapter will contain some heavy sexual situations and I want your opinion on it before I finish writing it.

I know you guys said that you wanted detailed sex scenes, but are you ok with them being pretty graphic? Or would you like them mellowed down a little?

I'm thinking there will be some heavier language and you know, not just boring missionary sex, if you guys are ok with that.

For The Ones I Love | Negan #Wattys2017Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora