Part 49

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I felt so dumb.. I felt used and dumb. Everything that had gone on since I've been here- everything I'd been suppressing, was all threatening to come out.
I looked at myself in the mirror; my tear stained cheeks only causing me to cry more over things that didn't deserve my tears.
I was distraught for reasons I couldn't really comprehend but I just knew that I was done-- I wanted out.

I've known ever since Negan moved me into this room with him, that the door didn't lock from the outside, like the room I used to stay in. It was like any other door, it locked from the inside because it was his room. The door was always unlocked because it's metaphorical lock, was Daryl's life, and he knew that's all he'd ever need.. until now.

It's not that I didn't care about Daryl, but at this point, as long as I got away, I knew Negan wouldn't kill him; he knows that Daryl is too useful at this point.

I opened up the bedroom door, peeking into the dimly lit hallway before stepping out, knowing that I'd only have one chance for this to work.
The thing that was different between now and last time I tried to escape with Daryl, was now, I knew which doors lead outside and what doors to stay away from.

As I made my way down the empty hall, fear and anxiety consumed me, making me already question if what I was doing was a good idea. I could still go back to Negan's room and pretend like nothing happened.. like I wasn't beyond miserable and like I was fine with only being here for Negan's pleasure, but that's not the person I am- that's not the person I was.

As the door I was aiming for finally got in my line of sight, I began sprinting over to it, desperately wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
I quickly reached for the handle, when it suddenly swung open, Dwight standing in front of me with a confused look painted on his face.

I immediately felt my heart drop as emotion just began pouring through me again; my one chance had instantly been taken away from me.

"What the hell are you doing? Where's Negan?" He whispered over my quiet sobs.

I just shook my head, unable to speak and honestly not knowing what I'd even say.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me before looking down the hall, closing the door he came through quietly behind him.
He then roughly grabbed my arm, dragging me behind him until we got to a different door, one that I'd never opened.

"No, please just- just let me leave-" I whimpered, desperately trying to pull out of his grip as he unlocked the mystery door with his other hand.

He then pushed the now unlocked door open, attempting to drag me into the dark room as I began to loudly protest, terrified of where he was trying to take me, "Stop! No-"

His hand quickly flung over my mouth, "Quiet!" He strained, pulling me the rest of the way into the room before closing the door and letting me go.

He flicked on the lights, the dark room now being completely visible; filled with a bed, an old tv, and various other things.

"What the fuck were you doing out there? Are you trying to get everyone you know killed?" He asked angrily, his tone making me uneasy.

"I just- just let me go, please!" I begged, honestly beginning to feel like I was going insane.

"Stay quiet!" He threatened as he came closer to me, causing me to back up, "If Negan finds out about this we're both fucking dead."

"I don't care!" I yelled, shoving his chest, desperate to get this feeling out of my mind, "I have to get out of here-"

"What do you thinks gonna happen if you walk out that fucking door? Huh?" Dwight asked, getting in my face, "You think you're gonna make it far on foot without Negan noticing you're gone? He's gonna fucking find you, bring you back, and gut Daryl in front of you. Is that what you want?"

I stayed silent, unable to speak as my sobs took over. I felt like everything I knew- everything I was, was crumbling around me; I was tired, miserable, and desperately needed to be around the people I loved. The way I felt was like nothing I'd ever felt before.. I was completely broken-- not in the way Negan had anticipated, but in a way that made me just not think anymore.

Dwight let out a deep breath, changing his tone, "What happened with Negan? Why're you out here?"

I roughly wiped at my eyes as my shaky voice began to speak, "He's just- he's a terrible person.. I-I
don't wanna be here anymore."

"Did you tell him about what happened in the stairway?" He murmured under his breath, causing me to quickly shake my head, "Ok good, let's keep it that way."

"Why haven't you told him? Are you just waiting for the perfect time to use it against me or something?" I interrogated.

He chuckled, shaking his head, "I'm just trying to fucking help you, ok?"

"Then let me go." I said bluntly.

A look of disbelief washed over Dwight's face, "Have you not thought any of this through? Honestly, I'm curious."

"Negan won't be able to find me, I'm- I was a runner, I know this area and-" I said, almost like I was desperately trying to convince him to let me leave.

"Ok, ok, and let's say that shit actually does work out for you-- what about Daryl?"

"He'll be fine; Negan won't kill him because he- he knows that I love him and without him, he has nothing to keep me here with anymore." I explained, wiping my tears again.

He just shook his head, "And the moment he gets you back, Daryl will be dead and he'll just go on to threaten you with the lives of your other people."

I let out a shaky sigh before I collapsed to the floor, everything Dwight said beginning to get through to me in the distraught state I was in, and now making complete sense.

"You can never get out of this; none of us can."

Did any of you see this coming?

Once again, sorry for missing a day, I just really wanted to take my time on this chapter and go over it a little; make it longer and whatnot.

For The Ones I Love | Negan #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now