Part 43

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"Daryl.." I breathlessly let out, my body getting weak at the sight of the man I loved, standing alone in front of me.
I quickly ran past him, looking down the other flight of stairs to make sure that he was actually alone, before bolting back up and into his arms.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I whimpered repeatedly into his chest, his grip around me slowly getting tighter as he began to relax.

He pulled back slightly, holding my face in his hands as his tired eyes studied my features before quickly pulling me back in, kissing the top of my head.

"You ok?" He asked quietly.

I pulled back, nodding my head as I tried wiping away the tears that had escaped onto my cheeks, "Are you? Are- are they treating you better?"

He shrugged, "They got me doin' a damn dogs work out there."

"I'm so sorry," my shaky voice spoke, pushing back the dirty hair that hung in front of his face, "I've been trying to do everything I can so Negan doesn't-"

"No, Liz," he cut me off, "I don't want ya thinkin' like that."

"I have to, Daryl," I whispered, tears brimming my lash line again, "That's what I'm constantly getting threatened with.."

He quickly pulled me into his chest again, hushing my quiet sobs, "I can't lose you.. I can't do this without you.. I can't." I pleaded.

I couldn't fathom the thought of being in this world without Daryl; even just being apart from him felt wrong. Before this all happened, we were constantly together, not because we were obsessed with each other, but because we worked so well together.
We were runners for our group; it's what we were both good at and it's what really made us as close as we are now.
He was all I could ever ask for and all I ever truly needed in this world, and if it came down to it, I would follow him anywhere. He's saved my ass multiple times and protected me from everything; not just walkers and humans, but myself. Even in this world that's crawling with the dead, he's shielded me from seeing the true horrors that Negan was forcing me to face.

"I'm gonna get us both outta here," he mumbled against the top of my head, "I don't know when.. but I will."

"You can't," I shook my head as I pulled away, tears spilling onto my cheeks, "He'll kill us, Daryl, he'll- he'll find us and he'll kill all of us."

"We can't stay here no more, Liz-"

"We can't leave! I promised him I wouldn't try to escape anymore and if- if I do.. he'll kill you, Daryl-"

"So you just wanna stay here until he snaps on ya one day?" Daryl asked, beginning to get frustrated with my resilience, "'Cause that's what's gonna happen, Liz, he's not right in the damn head!"

"No, no I just-" I sighed, trying to find a way to get my point across, "So many people have died because of me.. I don't think I can handle another."

"All that ain't your fault and you know that," He sighed, pulling me closer to himself once again, "Don't let him break you."

"What if he already has?" I asked quietly, feeling Daryl's body immediately tense under mine.

Just then, a scoff was heard from above us, causing both of our heads to snap in its direction, "What do we have here?"

Honestly not too happy with this chapter so I hope you guys still like it.

I've been having this weird writers block where I know what I want to write, like the general idea,  it when I go to write, I just get stuck. Like I don't know how to mash all of my thoughts into one idea and put it down, you know?

Anyway, I'm sure I'll figure it out, but if updates seem a little slow, that's why.

For The Ones I Love | Negan #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now