Blahh [Text Battle] 101

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Recording of the many stupid crap I do when I'm with my awesome friends:)

Text Battle 101

Cyndi ((me))

Shanice ((best friend))


S: ((3:34 pm))

Sit your ass down you Spanish ass clown. Yeah, I talked about your Spanish heritage. In your future I see you lying on your back having mad baby carriages.

C: ((3:37 pm))

My mama told me that people like you are ruining our nation. Isn't it bad enough you look like an ugly ass Haitian? F-U and your mama looking like a broke down lama.

S: ((3:44 pm))

You make the Spanish nation look stupid. And on Valentine's Day, your enemy is cupid. You fool everyone with your hair when we think you're white. Keep talking slick shit and we might just have to fight.

C: ((4:09 pm))

You think you're nice with your slick remark, chill out and relax because you aren't that smart. You can't spell, you can't write. I guess it's because you aren't very bright. Sometimes I wonder how long you'll live but then again you got nothing to give. You're a bum full of already been chewed gum and that's all that is there. I'm here to inform you and make it clear, shave your hairy chest hair, you starting to look like a bear.

S: ((4:36 pm))

Well it seems that your imaginary man enjoys my chest hair because he always calling my phone telling me he wants me, near. So don't come at me like Muhammad Ali. I would F-U up but I prefer not to get my hands dirty. And thanks for throwing my plate in the garbage. But you should've thrown yourself in there seeing as how you smell like sewage. So just sit back a leave the rapping to us black folk. Because you being a rapper is a complete joke!!!

C: ((4:50 pm))

Muhammad Ali doesn't have shit on me because I fly like a butterfly but sting like a bee. Stop spreading your shit like mice, being ungrateful while I was being nice. Mad because you aren't getting a lover from cupid, maybe it's because you're so damn stupid. Swipe that smile off your face looking so happy. You might want to comb that hair; it's looking a bit nappy. So now I just schooled you, keep in mind: I'm a bad bitch and a bad bitches ain't kind.

((Momentary break))

C: don't lie, that was hot

S: It was alright . . . ok I'm lying it was hot

C: Lmao

((1/2 hr. later))

C: Ooohh so I shut the "pimp" up? Wow, pretty proud of myself right now . . .

((Shanice's comeback))

S: ((5:01 pm))

Look at you talking about school like you learn shit. You know damn well you be looking at your teachers not knowing a bit. So why don't you get a tutor and someone to fix your clothes like a suitor. Wait until I text Mandy and tell her her little Cyndi at school ain't so fine and dandy. So while you home study some Spanish because when I ask you a question you don't know ish. So I'm a do my homework and get a good grade. My head might hurt after a while so I might need a band aid. So go sit down and drink my knowledge in a cup because this grand pimp will never shut up.

My expression: ((0_O))

My final comeback: C: ((5:10 pm))

You aren't a pimp, just a simple headed wanna be, so freaking blind your unable to see. No one worries about little ol' Niecy running around acting all beastly. You got a brain? I'm pretty surprised, actually I'm damn near mesmerized. I don't know who your real friends are because all they tell you are lies. I'm what they call a 'one of a kind'; a beauty in disguise. So please go ahead and bow down to your queen, you little fugly coffee bean. Read it and weep at what was just read, then do yourself a favor, go home, and think about what I just said.

C: 1 S: 0

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