§Chapter 35§

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- Milena's POV -

I woke up the next morning from a random dream I couldn't remember. It still wasn't daylight outside, but I could hear the pastas downstairs beginning with breakfast. I rolled over to see Slendy was still sleeping. His chest rose and fell in a perfect pattern.

Rather than taking in his beauty, I decided I'd wash up. I went to my dresser and grabbed my outfit for the day and headed to the bathroom. After setting my things down I got a weird feeling. It must just be these new powers again.

I looked in the mirror at myself, observing all my changes. My hair was so dark, and my skin was so pale. I actually kinda liked it. I sighed and a shooting pain went through my head. I gasped and bent over the sink for a minute before returning to normal.

I couldn't remember what I was doing. Why was I walking from the bathroom? Well, fine with me. I walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door opened behind me. The whole upstairs sounded empty. I headed to Sally's room and found Charlie the bear. Hmm..

I left and went to EJ's room and stuck him under his bed. Next, I took a jar from Jack's kidney collection and took it to Masky and Hoody's room, and putting it in their closet. As I exited the room, another pain had gone through my head.

As I recovered, I went back to my room. Slendy was still snoozing away. The sun had risen a little bit and so I decided to be quick, considering there was a party for me today. I'm still not quite sure what exactly for, but parties are fun so, what the heck?

I left the room quietly and went back to the bathroom. I stripped of my clothes and started the water, beginning to wash my hair. As I was rinsing my shampoo out, I heard Slendy laugh a little as he walked into the bathroom. I peeked from behind the shower curtain and realized I forgot to close the door. Oops.

"Whatcha doing?"

I asked Slendy as he stood in the doorway, just staring at me. He laughed again. He wouldn't stop smiling.

"Oh, nothing. Just standing here. What are you doing?"

He asked with a smirk. I just laughed and closed the curtain back, continuing to rinse my hair out. After I finished rinsing my hair out, I continued with washing my face and body, and before turning off the water I peeked back out to check, and sure enough Slendy was still standing there.

"Do you wanna join me or something, babe?"

I asked, with a smirk. He laughed a little and shook his head.

"Not today, but maybe next time," he winked, "but I'm just watching the door for you since you didn't close it. Plus, there aren't any towels in here so I was waiting to go grab you one."

He told me, sweetly.

"Aww how sweet! Thank you."

I giggled and shut the water off. As I stepped out onto the bath mat, I saw Slendy slender walk really quick and returned with a towel. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't uncomfortable being naked around him anymore. He didn't seem to mind either.


I told him and he nodded. He was about to say something himself, but just as he was going to we heard Sally shriek. She came running down the hallway and cried to us.

"Charlie is gone! I can't find him anywhere."

She pouted. Slendy rubbed her head and it soothed her.

"Don't worry, we will find him later. Can you go make sure everyone is ready? We don't want to be running behind."

He asked her. She sighed, sniffled and nodded my heading back downstairs. He tsked.

"Poor kid."

He said. I only nodded and dried my body off before wrapping the towel around my hair and getting dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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