Chapter sixteen

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Dani's POV

We parked in the lot outside of may apartment. Wesley got out and helped me carry my bags to the door and I pushed it open. The place appeared to be empty as I walked through to my room. We dropped my bags on the floor and I went back to the living room with Wesley following close behind me.

"Ohmygosh! You're home!" Kate exclaimed coming running through the house and pouncing on me with a hug.

"Can't, breathe." I choked out as she squeezed.

"Sorry!" She let me go and hugged Wes lightly. Drew came into the room to and hugged me then Wesley. "I want to hear everything, and see pictures!" Kate demanded pulling me down next to her on the couch.

"I'll order pizza." Drew said walking to the kitchen.

"Where's my brother?" Wesley asked looking around.

"He went out with some friends." Drew shrugged.

"Keaton has friends?" Wesley joked sitting next to me. I smacked his arm. "Ow! What's that for?" He demanded.

"Be nice. I like your brother." I said.

"Will someone please start telling me about the trip before I explode!" Kate bounced up and down.

I handed her Wesley's phone and started scrolling through pictures. Wes helped me tell stories from the various locations. We told her about the view in New York, and about the blindfolds freaking out the flight attendants on the planes. An hour or so later the pizza came and minuets after that Keaton strolled in.

"Oh sick pizza!" He said excited.

"What? No, awe my big brothers home?" Wes faked hurt.

"Hey look Dani's home!" Keaton hugged me tightly then let go sticking his tongue out at his brother.

"Good to see you too." I smiled.

"Oh look Wes is home too." Keats added.

"You little jerk." Wes laughed hugging his brother.

We all ate then the boys had to leave sadly. They had to see Wes's family and then they had that appointment with management in a few days. I hugged Drew and Keaton then watched as Drew kissed Kate. Wesley told me he'd call me tomorrow and kissed me softly. Then they were all gone.

"Well!" Kate bounced as I closed the door.

"Well what?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb! You totally did it! You were all flirty with him and had that after morning glow." She smiled.

"Fine, we might have." I sighed. She could be so annoying.

"Was it special?" She asked sincerely.

I told her about the strip basketball, and how we'd almost done it that day. Then I told her how I felt about him and I couldn't imagine myself being with anyone else. As I talked the feelings just spilled out. Once I finished she just looked at me. "What?" I asked nervous.

"You really love him." She smiled happily. "I never would've thought this could all happen after one wrong number phone call."

"Me either Katydid." I smiled grabbing another piece of pizza. "So what's up with you and Drewbear?" I giggled at her nickname for him.

"We're dating officially and he's the sweetest thing. I feel like he makes me the person I should be." She smiled and got this dopey looks on her face. I wonder if that's how I look when I talk about Wesley.

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