Chapter one

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It's December first in Huntington Beach. Not that it means anything to anyone around here, but to me it means it's time for Christmas! I'm obsessed with Christmas and I always have been. It was a big deal to my family back in Ohio. We decorated the week before thanksgiving and took it all down after valentines day. You could say we went over board.

I live in a two bed room apartment with my best friend here. We moved to Huntington together the week after graduation. We'd been best friends since third grade. Kate is the only person I know who's as crazy as I am. She's not as into Christmas as I am but she does help me decorate. She currently works in a surf shop by the beach and takes classes at a community college.

I work at a frozen yogurt place near the beach as well. I take writing classes at the same school Kate goes to. Things worked out when we moved here. We came without a plan and no place to go. We had some money saved up and started renting the apartment from our amazing landlady. Her name was Helen and she was a sweet old lady who was like a grandmother to us now. After that we got jobs and started going to school.

We've lived here for about seven months now and it's amazing. It's sunny and warm almost all the time. The view is gorgeous all over the place. It's just how I always dreamed it would be. I wanted to move here to pursue a career in writing for movies. I'm the type of person who believes things will always work out, because they always have, but if they don't then I'll always wish they would have.

It's after seven and I'm waiting for Kate to get home so we can watch the countdown to Christmas movie together tonight. I ordered Chinese for dinner and I'm sitting alone on the couch. The phone rang in the kitchen so I got up to answer it. No one except my mom calls my house phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Brooke is mom there? It's Wes and I wanted to tell her I broke my cell so I can't call her as often. I'll be home Friday though and we'll be done touring for awhile." The boy said.

"Um I think you have the wrong number." I giggled. "Sorry about your phone though. I'd be lost without mine."

"Apparently I'm lost without mine too. I can't even remember my mom's phone number correctly." He laughed. "My names Wesley."

"I'm Daniela but everyone calls me Dani." I said.

"Well Dani I'm sorry for interrupting whatever you were doing with your Wednesday evening." He said.

I smiled as he said my name. What's up with me? I don't even know who this guy is and he's making me all flustered. "I wasn't doing much. Just getting ready to watch the Christmas movie on Hallmark channel."

"No way, us to!" He said excitedly. "Are you from Huntington? I mean I know I got the area code of moms phone number right at least."

"Yeah I am. I moved here back in May." I said leaning against the counter.

"Oh sick! Where from?" He asked.

"Ohio." I answered.

"That's a big move for someone. Why'd you move?" He asked sounding actually intrigued.

"That's a little personal. At least buy me dinner first." I joked sarcastically.

"That's a great idea. What are you doing this Saturday?" He asked.

"I was just kidding! I don't even know you." I laughed.

"Well you could know me. I was on the Xfactor!" He said as matter of fact.

"Did you win?" I laughed.

"No we got fourth last year." He said.

"No way!" I knew exactly who he was. "From Emblem3?"

"Yeah, now about that Saturday evening?" He said.

"I don't know. It's still kind of weird." I said. I mean for all I know he could be a murderer.

"Fine. How about I call you back when I get home and you can decide then. I'll be home Friday around noon." He said. I could hear his smile.

"Okay. I'll talk to you Friday at seven? I have to work so I won't be home until then." I said smiling as well.

"Goodbye Dani." He said.

"Bye Wesley." I hung up.

I sat back down on the couch and finished my dinner. Why would a semi-famous band member want to buy me dinner? He didn't know anything about me. He certainly wouldn't want to take me to dinner if he did. What on earth possesses someone to ask a complete stranger out over the phone when you call them by accident? Better yet what possesses someone like me to actually want to go?

My thoughts were shattered by Kate coming threw the door. She flew into the room leaving her shoes at the door and her bag on the floor in the hall. She sat next to me smiling apologetically.

"Whatever it is just tell me." I said.

"Well first I'm sorry I'm late, and second I can't help decorate this weekend because David wants to go to the beach house his parents own. I agreed and I'm sorry but I don't want to screw it up with him. He's like the perfect guy and I can't fuck it up." She sighed. "I'm sorry Dani."

"It's fine." I turned the tv up and started watching the show. She was still talking but I ignored it. It's not that I was mad about her blowing me off. I just hate David. He's overbearing and rude. She doesn't see it but I do! She would if she ever dated nice guys, but she doesn't. She's never once dated a decent guy. They're all dicks in the end.

"Please don't do this. You always give me the silent treatment when your mad." Kate sighed during a commercial.

"Kate it's fine. Truly I'm not mad! Have fun with Dick." I said standing to throw away my trash.

"It's Dave." She said laughing.

"Whatever." I sighed. "I have a date Saturday anyway so it fine."

"Oh no way! With who?" She squealed as though I never did anything.

"Don't freak out." I pointed my finger at her.

"Why would I freak out? Has he been in jail?" She laughed.

"No, but it's kinda weird. I got a wrong number call and he asked me to go to dinner." I said waiting for her to go all motherly on me.

"You didn't agree." She said hopeful.

"It was Wesley for Emblem3! Of course I agreed. Have you seen him?" I laughed. We'd watched them on Xfactor together.

"Dani this is insane! You don't know it's him. It could be a rapist for all you know!" She waved her arms.

The movie was back on but we were busy arguing. "Oh shut it! It was totally him. He's calling me back Friday, and I'm agreeing to go with him. It'll be fun and plus he'll ever see me again." I laughed having talked myself into it.

"Why won't he see you again?" She looked worried.

"Kate why would he want to?" I laughed again.

"Whatever. Just don't get hurt okay?" She stood up. "I'm leaving Friday afternoon with David so I'm going to go ahead and pack." She smiled a half smiled. "I'll leave my half of the rent on the table before I leave."

She went to her room and I finished watching the movie. I cried of course. These movies always got me. This one made me miss my mom back in Ohio. I hadn't seen her in so long. I just didn't have the money to fly there and back. I would love to see her, but it just isn't doable. I sighed and went to bed.

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