Chapter three

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was noon and I figured it must be my mom. I heaved myself out of bed and went to the kitchen to get the phone. I grabbed the phone and said hello.

    "Daniela this is your mother." She always said that like I didn't know her voice. "I hadn't talked to you in awhile so I thought I'd give you a call."

    "Yeah I've missed you too Momma." I hopped up on the counter. "Did you put the tree up yet?"

    "We did it the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We have five inches of snow here, and it's still coming down." She told me.

    "Awe don't say that! I wish it snowed here." I laughed. "How's my baby sister?"

    "Oh Aubrey's just fine. She's mad she didn't get her license yet, but I told her she shouldn't take the test in the snow." Mom rambled on a bit about Aubrey being class president and on the varsity cheer squad this year. She was so proud of Aubrey. I wish she could be proud of me, but I've never really done a lot to be proud of. "Well baby I love you and wish you were home for the holidays, but I know you love it out there so don't let me twist your arm to come home."

    "I miss you too, but I just don't have the money to come visit yet. I'll call soon, and Momma I love you too!" I teared up a little bit as I hung up.

    I hopped off the counter and went to the bathroom. I straightened my hair and got dressed in some high waisted jeans shorts and an off the shoulder flowing peach color top. I opened the advent calendar for today and ate the candy. I went to the kitchen and at a bite of a ham and cheese sandwich.

     The phone rang again and I answered as I chewed. "Hello?" I mumbled around my food. Super attractive I know!

    "Hey Dani it's Wes. Are you eating?" He chuckled.

    "Yeah I was having lunch. What's up?" I asked setting my food aside.

    "What are you doing today?" He asked.

    "I thought about putting up my Christmas tree but I don't want to do it alone." I sighed. It was so easy to be completely honest with him.

    "Where's you friend Kate?" He asked.

    "She went on a trip with her boyfriend." I told him.

    "Why don't you let me and the boys come help you then?" He suggested.

    I thought about it for a second. It might make Kate mad, but how could I say no? "Sure that sounds awesome."

    "Text my new phone your address and we'll be over." He gave me the number and I did it.

    Within twenty minutes there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Wesley, Keaton and Drew. They came in and made themselves at home on the couch in front of my tv with the hallmark channel on.

    "I must not be a creep." Wes said. I gave him a confused look. "You let me know where you live."

    Oh I'd told him he couldn't know where I lived in case he was a creep. "I guess I don't think you're a creep." I laughed.

    "So where's this tree?" Wes asked clapping his hands.

    "It's in the box in the corner." I pointed.

    We jammed to my Christmas playlist as we set up the fake tree near the chimney. Drew was untangling lights and Keaton was fluffing branches while Wes and I carried boxes of ornaments in from my storage room. We were laughing and having a blast. It was the most fun I'd had with people in a long time. I guess I didn't really have a lot of friends other than Kate.

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