Chapter fourteen

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Wesley's POV

I saw a light reflect in the windows glass then the next thing I hear is the policeman shout. "Freeze! You two are under arrest for attempted robbery and trespassing." I spun around not even thinking about Dani. I felt her slide off my shoulders and heard her slam to the ground.

"Shit Dani are you alright?" I crouched next to her and smoothed her hair out of her face. She had a bloody nose and looked like she'd knocked herself out. "Dani!" I shook her a little trying to wake her up.

"Sir stand up please and put your arms behind your back." The cop said walking closer to me.

"Dude are you fucking serious? She could be really hurt right now! Plus this is her parents house and we're staying here! We just got locked out." I explained.

"Yeah sure. Now stand up arms behind your back!" He gestured for me to stand.

"Seriously just ask them!" I shouted as I stood up and did as he said.

"Dispatch this is 6452 I'm on Second street and I need an ambulance for a possible B and E suspect." He radioed to them as he cuffed my hands behind me. They said the ambulance was on its and and the ETA was five minutes.

"Can't you at least wake her mom up to let her know what's going on?" I asked.

"I will once the squad get here. Now what's your name?" He asked.

"Wesley Stromberg." I sighed. This guy was no hope. "Am I going to be arrested for this?"

"That depends if the residents want charges pressed or not son." He patted my back.

I snorted. That wasn't going to happen. At that point I heard the siren as the squad pulled onto the street. It was in the driveway in seconds. The two guys came backs and loaded Dani up. The cop tugged me around to the front of the house just in time for me to see Dani's mom come out the front door. Of course now she's awake!

"What's going on out here!" She demanded.

"Ma'am I got a call from a neighbor about two kids snooping around your house and when I got here this boy and a girl were trying to climb through a window around back." He explained. "He claims they're staying here and were locked out."

"They are now where's Dani?" She eyed the ambulance and put her hand to her heart. "Is she hurt?"

"Jackie she fell when I turned to explain things to the cop. She hit her head and knocked herself out." I told her.

"Do you want charges pressed?" The cop asked her. She shook her head and he un-cuffed me. "Stay out of trouble young man." He pointed at me then led Jackie to the squad to see Dani.

"Wesley please follow the squad to the hospital." Jackie called back to me.

I nodded and got in the car. I followed the ambulance closely as i could to the hospital. I was a few minutes behind because of a few red lights, but at least I knew where I was going since I could see the hospital from here. I parked and made my way inside. The lady behind the desk was a thin blonde in her late thirties. Her name tag said she was Abby. She smiled up as I approached the counter.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Can you tell me where they took the girl who just got off the ambulance. I'm her boyfriend." I asked.

She typed on the computer and looked over a few things. "Room 363 on the third floor will be where she's at." She said. "Elevators to your left." She pointed.

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