Chapter five

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The next day I put in for time off at work and it was approved since we'd just hired a new girl. They said they'd just give her my hours until I came home starting on the thirteenth. I practically jumped with joy.

    I went home and Kate had a plate of fruit cake in her lap. She smiled up at me and handed me a note. The cake was from Helen. She was a sweet old thing, but if she didn't like you living here would be hell.

    "How was work?" She asked.

    "I got my time off!" I sang with joy. "Is this good or nasty?" I looked at the cake.

    "I think it's the same kind my grandma makes." She laughed holding her fork up to me.

    I took a bite. It wasn't bad so I cut a piece and joined her on the couch. "The Simpsons Christmas specials coming on in like two minutes." I remembered.

    "Yeah I know!" Kate flipped the channel. "Oh and here. This was in the mailbox for you."

    I looked at the magazine confused. Why was this delivered to me? I wasn't subscribed to anything. Oh, it's because I'm on the cover, and in a bikini, with Wes. Wow this was new! I skimmed the article about 'Heartbreaker Wesley's New Romance' and how I was just the fling of the month basically. I closed the magazine and sat it on the table to watch tv with my beat friend.

    "Are you worried?" Kate asked as she collected our plates and took them to the kitchen.

    "About what?" I asked a little lost.

    "Wesley being someone who will break your heart." She said pointing at the rag mag on the table.

    "Not at all. I really like him, and even if he does break my heart it won't be the first time someone hurt me, and I'm sure it won't be the last." I shrugged. "I'm not going to let a stupid magazine article change my mind."

    "I'm glad. He seems to bring out the best in you." Kate smiled and grabbed her laptop. "I haven't seen you so happy in a long time. Now come here I found something you need to see." She waved me closer to her.

    It was a video on her laptop of us when we were Juniors in high school. It was Christmas time because we had little Santa hats on. It had been a project we did as partners. We'd had to make a documentary about our break. We spent it together of course since she practically lived with me during her parents divorce. We got an A because our video was the most real and the funniest. That's when I knew for sure I wanted to write movies.

    We watched the twenty minute video and died laughing. It was a perfect example of our friendship. I mean we'd been friends so long it'd be hard not to have her as my best friend. She looked at me as if she was thinking the same thing.

    After the video she helped me wrap the front door in wrapping paper. It looked like a present in green foil paper. I smiled and ripped out our apartment number so it could be visible. Then Kate and I wandered our separate ways and went to bed.

     In case you've lost track today's the tenth of December. Only three more days until I'm done with work for the year, and only six more days until I leave with Wes on our mystery trip. I got up and dressed in my uniform for the yogurt shop and left Kate a note saying after work I was going to see Wesley. He'd asked me to come meet his mom, and let's say I was more than a nervous wreck. I'd picked my outfit for it last night and I'd still felt unprepared.

    I was almost finished clocking out at four when Wes came into the lobby of the shop. He was wearing a neon green and grey Yums tank with jeans and a SnapBack. He smiled at me as I disappeared around the corner into the bathroom to change.

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