Chapter two

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Thursday I went to work and got a minimal amount of frozen yogurt on me. It wasn't a brutal shift today. I got off at five and went for a short walk on the beach in the sand. I made my way back to my car. I drove the twenty minutes back to my place and headed inside. The sun was setting as I made myself a microwave dinner.

I decorated the chimney ledge with greenery and white lights. Then I set out traditional red stockings across the front. It looked like the front of a Christmas card. I smiled pleased with myself and went to sit on the couch. At eight on the dot Kate came through the door. She sat next to me and we watched The Year Without a Santa Claus.

"The chimney looks amazing." She smiled.

"Thanks. I did it after work." I laughed.

The phone rang and she answered. "Hello?" She paused. "She right here." She motioned for me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey it's Wes. I know I said I'd call tomorrow, but I got a chance and decided to call tonight." He laughed. "So did you decide if you want to go to dinner with a stranger?"

"Yeah I can't think of anything else I need to do so why not?" I laughed. I saw Kate make a gag gesture. "Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"Hmm, how about the Italian restaurant on the pier." He suggested.

"Sounds perfect. I'll meet you there at seven?" I asked.

"Alright wear red." He said as more of a request.

"Okay I'll see you then?" I said as more of a question.

"Mmhm I'll have a SnapBack on. Oh and I'll make reservations under Stromberg." He said as if I didn't know who he was.

"Alrighty." I smiled already planing my outfit.

"Did you watch the Christmas movie tonight?" He asked.

"I did. It's one of me and Kate's favorites." I said hopping up on the counter to sit.

"Who's Kate?" He asked.

"My roommate and longtime best friend from Ohio." I said.

"I get the feeling I'd be out of line to asked where you live." He stated.

"You'd be right about that feeling. If you're a creep I don't want you to know where I live, because I don't have the money to move somewhere else." I said causing him to laugh.

"See you Saturday at seven Dani." He said.

"Bye Wesley." I hung up and looked at Kate.

She shook her head and started laughing. "If I didn't know better I'd say you already like him more than you should."

She was right. For someone I'd never met I really liked him. He seemed funny and sweet. He was successful and seemed grounded. I mean he called his mom how more grounded can he get? "Shut up Katydid." I laughed hopping down.

"Don't get hurt." She mumbled as I went to my room.

I went to my closet and looked for something red. I had a few red tops but none that were date worthy. I wanted to look nice, not like I was seeing my grandma. I sighed and laid down on the bed. Looks like I'm shopping tomorrow after Kate leaves.

It was six thirty and I was still at work. I'd agreed to work until eight to cover for a coworker. I was rethinking my decision when I seen a group of boys come in. They looked familiar, and then it dawned on me. They were the boys from Emblem3! I felt self conscious until I remembered that Wesley didn't know who I was.

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