Chapter 27: Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) 桜

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Truth? I am demon possessed. My change of emotions, desires, and attitudes, it's because a demon is living inside of me. It is not Suzuka who is sinful but it's the result of Akumu's presence in her heart, in my heart. My innocence became the vessel of all the transgressions that the demon inflicted in me. I am the victim. I am a victim of Akumu's curse. And I hope I will be the last.

Truth? I have schizophrenia. That's why I'm seeing bizarre things. That's why I have no full grasp on what's real or not. Is this a result of Akumu's curse? I don't know. I believe it's not. She only told me that she cause me to be sinful and blood lustful, nothing more. I believe this is not a result of me being demon possessed but rather me being in stress.

Truth? Nobody cares for me now, even my family. I was forsaken by the society, forsaken by humanity. People thought I am already dead. I want to blame SU-METAL for this tragedy but she's also a victim of the demon's curse. She's not different from me. I feel sorry for her for suffering such curse. She was forced to kill and manipulate others because that demon from the black pearl tricked her. And besides, does it gain me anything if I blame someone?

The whole building is demolished. The ruins of the asylum are on fire. Corpses are charred in front of me. Everything is wrecked but the tranquility of the night enveloped the scenario with peace, with freedom. Finally! I am freed. I am not tied up. The doctor and his minions in ogre masks are dead. Akumu had already left. I look up and saw her shadow in the clear night sky lit by the red full moon. I don't have any idea what she's thinking but I'm sure she's happy. She's finally with her love, that's if the demon keeps his promise.

This is the truth. The truth which will set me free and I should accept it to completely be freed. But this truth is still unacceptable. I am in the middle for the road in which I don't know where to go. It seems like I'm still lost, lost in the absoluteness of this newly disclosed truth.

Truth! I hate it! I don't want to accept it. I run away from the obliterated facility to free myself from the thick haze of the place. I don't like the smell of the smoke. I want to breathe fresh air. And indeed, I am not rejected from my request. Fresh cherry blossoms' fragrance caresses me. So it's spring today. Ahh sakura, I remembered my solo song in Sakura Gakuin before. How I wish I could rewind my life. I miss those days.

I continue to run away until I come to a place I'm familiar with. It's a forest similar to my dream. Yes! This is that forest, thick and creepy. The ground is full of rock formations, ferns, and mossy rocks. I continue to walk and saw these colored strings and old camping materials. I continue to walk deeper and saw a decaying corpse hanging on a tree branch. So, I am in this infamous place, Aokigahara. It seems like death is inviting me to escape from this truth which I absolutely can't accept. Should... I... accept...? Yes? No?

I found a thick rope at the ground and pick it up. I should be decisive, and I choose to be tied up than to be freed. If freedom is like this, a bleak and directionless truth, then what's the purpose of living? I tie the rope in a strong branch ready to hang myself. Yes, I am ready to enter this threshold. I fit my neck in the slipknot and...

"STOP! Don't do that! You still need to live."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I am Sakura, your guardian angel."


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