Chapter 22: Forest 森林

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This is the strangest thing that ever happened to me. It feels like I am in a mystery movie, maybe a thriller horror perhaps. Weird beings I encounter, from demon to ogres. I'm seeing bizarre things and dream apocalyptic dreams. I don't know what the borderline between reality and fantasy is. I don't know which one I should believe. Am I really crazy? Crazy as it seems but this room is indeed crazy. Have you seen that room of a morbid killer and stalker in a film? The part where he hung all the pictures of his victim at his room? Then later he will kill her and lust over her? It's horrific and disturbing, isn't it?

I'm glad Yui is blind now. I know she would freak out if she sees this. But this room have that distinct smell though, similar to chlorine but it doesn't smell clean nor fresh. I hate that smell but I'm sure I have smelt it before. I just can't remember. Does Yui smell this stink?

"Yui, have you smelt that..."

Oh, I forgot, she is deaf. It feels like I am carrying a living mannequin with me. Yui is still cute as usual and her obliviousness strangely makes her even cuter. She is like a doll. I'm glad I am able to save her.

But what about this room? Why did SU-METAL lead me here? I move forward and step into an old news paper. This is dated 2018 December. Wait? 2018, and it's old already? The last date that I remembered is September 11, 2016. Gosh! I lose track on time really bad. I read its headline and to my shock it was about me.

Former Idol Executed for Killing 3 People in their Agency

Wait, I killed three people? Yui and Moa? And who is the other? Yui and Moa are alive! In fact Yui is beside...

I checked her right arm to confirm and to my surprise she doesn't have any mole. This is madness! All this time I thought I am with my best friends but this revelation shocked me in my face. This reality broke my heart, big time, that moment when I start to hope but then it was shattered. I cry, a lot. I hug the fake Yui trying to find comfort in her but it seems like I was just hugging a pillow, a lifeless pillow. How I wish this girl is Yui. How I wish that this is just a dream and I would soon wake up in a reality where I am performing as Suzuka, a singer and songwriter, together with my friends in Sakura Gakuin, especially with Moa and Yui, my precious little sisters.

More and more questions rush in my mind. If I am executed for murdering, why am I still alive? Why do these girls pretty much look like Moa and Yui? And why is this demon helping me but refuses to communicate with me, just like before? I try to calm myself down to think clearly, hoping that I still can. But what's better than trying? I'm sure more disclosures will come and I should be sober enough to process all these shocking truths that I may soon discover. I loosen my grip to her and search around the room for some... clues I guess? There might be a reason why SU-METAL leads me here.

That laptop! It might help. I open it and it is password locked. Sure, only an idiot stalker would leave their laptop unsecured. I tried guessing some words that might open it. KITSUNE-SAMA? I know that pervert doctor owns this computer and maybe his pass code is this character he used to play...but I am wrong. BABYMETAL? Gosh, this is insane. Maybe he's a fan of us... I guess? Still, wrong. Third and last try. I know if I fail, I might not be able to open this again for a time. SU-METAL, help me.


Huh? Is that you SU-METAL? FROM THE FOREST? MORIMOTO? Yah, absolutely! That's what his surname means.

I click the password and bingo! It opens the laptop.

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