Chapter 11: Blood 血液

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"Moa, say ahhh..."

But Moa didn't respond. This made her upset but then SU-METAL realized that this wasn't what she promised to Moa.

"Oh I'm sorry if I only have ramen. This is the only available food at the convenience store. There's no pizza or burgers there."

"Are you nuts? Do you think I want to eat in this kind of situation? Tied up?"

"But I just want you to be with me Moa-chan? You know how much I like you right?"

"I don't like you senpai! You are not like this before. Why did you changed all of a sudden? and..." she glanced at Yui's corpse. "Why? Huhuuhuhu!"

"You like to eat with her? She can't eat anymore! See? She is sound asleep. It's only us now, just let Yui sleep."

"No! She's dead! I saw you kill her!"


A crisp slap landed on Moa's wet cheeks. Mixed emotions were painted in her face, anger, disgust, pain, weariness, desperation. Tears and sweat were mixed which moistened her upper body. She wanted to fight back but she can't.

"Why Moa? Why? I'm just being a good senpai to you. I give you good advices. I am there when you have problems. But still, you choose to hang out with Yui. You always left me behind while you two have fun on your own. I felt so lonely. It seems like... like I am the outcast in this group. Sure I might be the leader but that creates more boundaries between you and me."

Tears came running down in SU-METAL's, our face. For some reason I felt her weariness and those tears were so real to me. Are these tears mine? Yes, her emotions and desperations are similar to mine. At that time, I started to believe that she is indeed me. She is the representation of my insecurities and sadness, my struggles to be not left behind, my struggles about being a star on the top. She was born out of the shadows of my emotions.

"Stop acting like a victim! You are the one who kills here! You are the one who's torturing me, bitch!"

"What did you say!?"

She grabbed Moa's hair and slammed her forehead at the table then turned her face to her.


Angered, SU-METAL repeatedly banged again Moa's forehead at the table.


As she repeatedly banged her head, blood started to stain the table top. Moa's wail is starting to faint. I know it's painful but she can't escape from this torture. There's nothing that she can do.

"Now what do you call me again?"


"Talk straight! And Louder!"

"Sssenpaii... senpai!! Ppplleeasse, stttt...stooo...ooppp... sss..ssooo... paaiinn..fffuuu"

"Ok, I will, Moa-chan" She said in a sweet voice. "So let's eat?"

The now calmed SU-METAL grabbed the cup of warm ramen. She clipped some noodles with her steel chop sticks and blew at the food to cool it.

"Now say ahhh.." Still Moa didn't respond. This angered SU-METAL again. She forced her to open her mouth with her hands and force feed the weak Moa. But Moa is so drained that she couldn't chew the food.

"You are really testing me Moa-chan. DON'T DARE ME!"

SU-METAL grabbed her metallic chopsticks, holding each with her two hands, and stabbed at Moa's cheeks with her mouth still filled with noodles, some of it were still hanging on her lips. Blood flowed from her stabbed cheeks and dyed the ramen red. The thing that terrified me the most is that Moa didn't scream. She was silent. It seemed like she's on her limit already. She's just enduring the pain of the torture.

"That's what you get for enchanting me with those dimples!"

Then she pushed her. Moa's head hit the edge of the table so hard that it causes more blood to surge out from her head. Her body tied up in the rotating chair fell down lifeless in the floor filled with her blood. She was not moving. With that amount of blood she lost, she is dead.

Tied Up: A BABYMETAL Gothic Horror FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now