Chapter 7: Sin 罪

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Storm, storm, storm, a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow. Well not just in the atmosphere but also in my mind, in my heart, in my soul, my whole being. There was a big storm that week and I was afraid it might affect our concert at Tokyo Dome. Sure all the tickets were sold out but I was worried that not that much fans might be able to attend since the weather was bad. But that fact terrified me the least. What terrified me the most is this entity living in me, SU-METAL.

She created a storm in me, now I'm confused. I don't know what I really feel, what I really desire, and what I really wanted to do. But seriously, it seemed like I have changed since I started letting SU-METAL take control over some aspects in my life, my personality, my everything. And what's worse, I caught her using my body to lust over Moa.

"SU-METAL! SU-METAL!" but no response. I've already turned off the lights and looked at myself at the mirror yet she still won't manifest. That got me baffled. I took my black and red hair tie and tied my hair into a ponytail. I also put some dark shaded make-up to stimulate her to wake up. Then I started to summon her again.

"Really? Should you really have to do this? I'm sleeping you know."

"Why are you taking over me? I've seen you using my body for... your... desires!"

"Huh? I don't understand you!"

"You like Moa right? I knew it! And you often fantasize about her!"


"Don't act as if you don't know SU-METAL! You are masturbating using my body while looking at Moa's pictures! You can't do that! This is my body after all!"

"Your body? That's my body too! Don't you remember Suzuka? I am you after all. I am your alter-ego. What's yours is also mine."

"Well I don't like it that way. I am the original owner of this body! I have the better right to use this. You are just sharing it to me. And I forbid you to do that again!" Out of rage, I punched the mirror and it broke.

"Forbid huh?"

Then suddenly, I saw my reflection grabbing the cord of my blower. Wait. I didn't do that! It's not me doing that! My reflection tied the cord around its neck and choked itself. No! It didn't choke itself! It was choking me! SU-METAL was choking me using my own hands! I was struggling to let go but I can't. This girl was killing me! She was smiling at me and having pleasure on seeing me struggling over catching my breath.

"Why SU-METAL, why? You are supposed to be my guardian angel."

"Well, I lied. I am a demon after all. And the only thing that strengthens me is you doing either of the deadly sins. It's my food you know."

"Food? Sins?"

"Oh! You don't know that? Well I would like to formally introduce myself to you Suzuka..."

Then my reflection changed from a youthful face of a girl to a dreadful looking monster, no it's a kaiju. I remember this face. This is the face of the monster in my nightmare! Yes that's her! Why didn't I realize about it!

"My name is Akumu (Nightmare), a demon from hell, and I am attracted by how innocent, naïve, and fearful you are. You are like an empty jar not yet touched; a virgin. I like to take advantage with that so I crept inside you, deceiving you, and you are deceived. Since a demon is living inside you, you start desiring to do and doing deadly sins. Gluttony; you eat a lot just for your pleasure, remember the chocolates? Greed; you take everything in the fridge even if it's not yours. Pride; You think you are waaaaaayyy better than your sister Himeka. Envy; you steal clothes from Himeka's closet because you think her fashion style and taste is better than yours and you envy that. Sloth; you don't like practicing in rehearsals and is often late. Lust; you masturbate over Moa. And finally, Anger; you hate me so much that you want to punch me even though I am the one who made you a success, am I right Suzuka?"

"No this can't be!" All that she said is true, all of it. I am guilty of committing those sins. No I don't! It is this Kaiju's fault! It is hers! These are all her evil plot and I shouldn't blame myself. These are all her sins and not mine. These are all her...

Tied Up: A BABYMETAL Gothic Horror FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now