Chapter 14: Amulet 護符

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"Nakamoto-san! Nakamoto-san! Wake up!"

I hear a rather worried and frightened voice of a man. He is shaking me from my dreamless slumber. Sure I wanted to respond but my body is so worn out that it wanted to lie down and rest. I tried to open my heavy eyes and saw Mr. Morimoto, I can tell from the shape of his glasses.

"Are you ok? You seem hurt"

Hurt? Why should I be hurt? Did something happen to me? What is that putrid smell? And why can't I speak?

"Ok, just nod if you feel ok." So I nod. "How should I start this... there's something tragic that happened a while ago. We've seen in the CCTV camera in your room that a... how should I say this... Monster? Demon? Something like that, came out of your neck, I believe it's in your vocal chords, that's why you can't speak. And...and... it left a wound in your neck. Do you want to see it? I'll ask your permission because I'll let you see it in the mirror."

He knows I have a mirror phobia but there's no other way for me to see it. I touched the wound and it was rather fleshy, moist, and seems deep. It is not bleeding though and I don't feel any pain touching it. Wait, what is this that I felt? It's moving! I need to see this thing! I grab the mirror that Mr. Morimoto was holding to see the wound. The lesion is filled with light yellow pus and the flesh is perfectly torn up causing a deep cut. And the worse thing is, maggots are lurking within the injury. What the heck! I throw the mirror out of shock. This can't be happening! What did SU-METAL did to me?

"I know this is terrible, and now I believed what you said. You are indeed demon possessed. It's not just you who's at risk with this situation. Look at what that demon had done."

The doctor transfers his gaze at the other side of the room. There was a huge hole there, with smoke coming out. Wait, is this what the monster had done?

"That demon destroyed almost half of the facility and escaped. I don't know what she's doing right now, maybe slaughtering more people like what she did with the patients and staffs here." He sigh. "My grandmother is a fatalistic person. She believes in exorcism, ghosts, demons, and the supernaturals. As a doctor I don't believe her but I like hearing her stories because it sounds interesting. One of her stories is about this female demon named Akumu. That demon possesses innocent people and makes their dream come true, in exchange, is blood lust. This demon is fond of killing people and she uses her host to manipulate him or her to kill people. Sometimes, she materializes herself and departs from the host to kill more people. There is only one person who could send her back to hell and that is the host. The host should face her without fear and sprinkle her with sea salt." He takes another deep breath again. "Do you understand what this mean Miss Nakamoto?"

Sure I do but facing her with no fear? I am not confident with that. How can I manage to face my ultimate fear, SU-METAL? But do I have any other choice? I should stop her and there's no one who could do it but me. I grabbed the doctors forearm and look at him. He has this friendly smile at me cheering me to be brave and face that monster. I smile back at him and nod in agreement. Finally I've found someone whom I can trust, a friend who can help me conquer this problem I have. I stand up from my bed and he helped me carry myself.

"Miss Nakamoto, here, I have a container of sea salt and an amulet. My grandma gave this talisman to me. It brings luck and drives away bad luck and demons. I believe you can use this as protection." He hands me the items he pulled out from his pocket. "Gambate Kudasai, Nakamoto-san."

I bow my head and smile in response to show gratitude to him. Thanks to him, I felt like I am filled with courage to deal with that monster. I know I can do this! I walk slowly towards the hole with a courageous heart, a container of salt in my hand, and an amulet I wear like a necklace.

Authors Note:

Shout out to Nakamoto42 for giving me some ideas about how the plot should go... Thank you also for constantly checking out for the updates of my fiction ^_^

Hope you enjoy this!! Happy and Spooky Halloween :p

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