Chapter 6: Family Ties

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*note that all the dialogue in this chapter is in French*

As I walked into the door, I was met with the sight of my family sitting on the couch, eating breakfast. As the door shut, the three males turned to me.

"Well if it isn't the superhero, back from a good 24 hours of fighting evil." Calvin said grandly and I whimpered quietly as I peeled off my mask and threw it on a table, revealing my tired blue eyes.

"Technically: it was two hours fighting evil, one hour being pissed at the league, a crap ton of hours trying to keep my friends from getting themselves killed, and the rest unconscious in a glass tube." I said as I flopped down on the couch.

"And destroying a Washington genetics lab? It was on the news." Leo asked, smiling his boyish, thirteen year old smile.

"It was an undercover lab for illegal genetic cloning and inslaving." I explained. "Once the head doctor lost it and turned into a huge monster we ran out of options."

"Sounds like you need sleep my dear." Dad said, petting my messy brown hair. I hummed in a positive response.

"Then Calvin, if you don't mind. When you wake up Lina, tell me and Leo and we'll make you something to eat." Dad said. Leo hummed in agreement.

"Come on." Calvin said, getting up and lifting me bridal style into his arms. Calvin was by far the strongest of the family, including me. "Let's get you to bed."

As he carried me, I found myself snuggling into his warm chest.

"You had to go into crime-fighting huh. You know, most girls just get a part time job at Starbucks." Calvin said as he carried me up the stairs.

"Well..." A yawn briefly cut me off. "I'm not most girls. Besides, coffee smells bad."

Calvin chuckled.

"Touché Lina, touché."

As we finally came to my room, Calvin kicked the door open and stepped in. The air was warm and welcoming. My room itself was small, but I tried My best to keep it neat. My bed was neatly made, my light green sheets crisply laid along the surface and my pillow fluffed and awaiting my head to lay on it, beside the bed was a small table that held a small pile of books I was currently reading and my instant camera, along with my autism and anxiety medication. A dark-wood wardrobe sat on the other wall; holding my clothes, dance equipment, spare uniforms, and some other odds and sods. I also had a bookshelf (which with the amount of books I owned was the only dis-organized part of my room), a desk with large stack of paper and textbooks, and full length mirror that edges were covered by drawings, quotes and pictures of me and other people (mostly me posing with celebrities and the boys, Zephyr had more friends then Lina).

Gently, Calvin laid me on my bed and I immediately threw my glves and boots off and snuggled into the covers. I usually take off my leggings and unitard but tonight (today, whichever) I was too tired.

"Goodnight Calvin." I murmured sleepily as my eyelids grew more and more heavy.

"Goodnight little sister." He muttered back before leaving my room.

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