Chapter 14: Dance Studios and Popular Boys

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(This is another chapter taking place in France, so once again: all dialogue is in French)

As you can probably guess: I don't really have a lot of friends outside of the team and family. 

I mean, I've tried to make friends...but it never really ends well. Unfortunately for me, there aren't really a whole lot of schools in my area: so I've known all the kids in my school all my life ie. when I still didn't have a handle on my over sensory, when I lost my ya, that mixed with my inability to talk to strangers like a normal person (and always end up talking like a gurgling baby) and the weird excuses I would use when I was too tired from training or fighting crime to go to school on time; I've never really had any friends. For most of my life, I just had my brothers.

That's why I like summer vacation, and other school holidays: it's an escape from the constant loneliness that came with school and having to be constantly surrounded by annoying teenagers and their stupid cliques (not to mention the nine-hour school days can get tiresome).

This particular summer was awesome. My days that weren't spent hanging out with the team consisted of baking, dancing, and reading: which was pretty much heaven. 

Today is one of these great days. I started the day with making a couple batching of brownies and cleaning out the spice cabinet, and reading books on the history of the Justice League (one of my favourite reading materials). Once the brownies were done, I grabbed my dance equipment, put on my flip-flops and sunglasses, and started out for the studio.

The day was really warm, and if I didn't live in a city: I'd think about going to a beach. Megan and Rob mentioned that they wanted to have a beach day, which sounding like a lot of fun: but no other mentions of the idea had been mentioned.

When I got to the dance studio; I welcomed the cool air and smiled as I heard jazzy music playing in the distance, probably from the summer camp that practises here over the summer.

"Hello, welcome to Marie-Violet Community dance studio. How can I--don't I know you?" The boy at the front desk interrupted the usual opening phrase with a question that caught me off guard. I looked harder at the boy that was looking at me with a questioning look and a bell rung in my mind.

"Nope! I-I mean, I come here a lot...or, I mean..." I raised my fingers to my bangs and pulled at them, trying to block the boy's eyes away from my face.

"No, this is my first time at the front desk...what school do you go to, I swear I know you." He said.

Ta Gueule, Quinton!

"I seriously doubt that...if I could just..."

"I got it!" I froze. " Evangélina Dubois, that quiet bookworm girl with that weird focusing problem!"


I let out a sigh in defeat.

"Ya..." I muttered.

Quinton Martin was one of those stupid teenagers I mentioned. Possibly the most popular boy in my grade, and half of the 'power couple' between him and the captain of the girl's soccer team. Long blonde hair, olive skin, dimples; your ideal teenage heartthrob.

"You dance?" He asks, and I nod while blushing. "I can see it, actually. You totally have the right body." 

That statement set my face on fire and I wanted to melt into the floor.

"Ah, sorry!" He said, putting his hands in front of him in a surrendering motion. "That came out totally wrong. I meant that I can see you being a really good dancer...not that I've been watching you or anything like that..." 

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