Chapter 57: Robins

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Ugh I hate myself for starting here but...It must be done! I promised angst, and I'm trying to finish this and so here we go.

Five months later
1.5 years until season 2

Jason Todd.

The kid was a annoying, mischievous, and troublesome. He was the first member of the Bat-family to tell people his real name (much to Dick's anger), and if he was put on a covert mission: it wouldnt stay covert for very long. But he was still a kid, and he had his moments. He had become Maia's close friend and I'd come to see him as a little brother of sorts.

And he certainly didn't deserve what happened, nobody does.

The Joker had gotten the drop on Jason during a mission. The lunatic drugged him and took him to a warehouse where he beat him and then left before the building blew up...

Dick hasn't come to the cave since. Wally went over to check on him a couple days ago...And his results weren't good.

Maia wasn't taking the death well either. She refused to go home, staying at my apartment and sleeping on my couch. I heard her crying late at night, and would get up to comfort her by wrapping her sobbing body into my body and trying to soothe her. Maia couldn't go to the funeral, something about her morals not allowing her to cry in public. But she went straight after, and is continuing to go every day.

I got calls from her parents, worried sick about her daughter. I'd explain to them that Maia was going through something and, although I'd try to encourage her to go back to New Zealand and be with her family: she wouldn't​.

She was still living with me, and Jason's death had been months ago.

However, I'd experienced death before and was able to hold my wits about me as I followed Dinah's example and tried to help everyone with their greiving. It wasn't easy, but it was doable. I was even able to keep things under control when Dick came back in a completely new costume.

During Jason's short time as Robin, Dick still wore the same costume and went by Robin, even though he was no longer Batman's protege; claiming he just couldn't figure out the right way to start anew. But that apparently changed when​ he came to the cave in a blue and black leotard and stated he was had chosen the name Nightwing.

"Well this is different..." Garfield muttered, raising an eyebrow. All of us had mentioned updating out costumes, since our old ones were beginning to outgrow us. Only Kaldur and Wally still seemed fully content with their current uniform. But to go under a new alias, wasn't something that any of us expected.

"I've set up base in Bludhaven." Dick stated, explaining. "I just...Couldn't be at the Batcave anymore."

Zatanna walked over and placed an arm on his shoulder. Those two were an...interesting...What started off as young live quickly formed into a relationship which lasted...About a month. The two still remained friends (or as Artemis puts is, 'friends with benefits') and were definitely emotionally connected, but neither of them wanted to be in a relationship with the other. To be frank: it was complicated.

"Isn't Bludhaven even more crime-ridden then Gotham?" Wally asked, sounding a little annoyed but mostly concerned.

"Someone has to clean it up." Dick said, a smirk crossing his face even though it nowhere neared the ones he's sported in the past.

"Your decisions are yours to make." Kaldur said, placing a hand on Dick's shoulder. "Just be careful."

Dick nodded, smiling. "Will do. But for now: I have an announcement to make." He motioned to the opening to present someone walking into the cave: a girl around Artemis' age in a bat-themed costume and red hair. She carried a responsible and mature air about her and her steps were confident.

"This is Batgirl, she's been training with Bats for a while." He introduced, making everyone on edge.

I have no idea how to feel about this...Oh no she looks uncomfortable! SAY SOMETHING!!

"It's nice to meet you" I said, stepping forward and smiling when I realized everyone was too stunned to say anything. "I'm Zephyr; that's Miss Martian, Beast Boy, Superboy, Kid Flash, Artemis, Aqualad...You obviously already know R-Nightwing."

"Nice to meet you all." She said, smiling and nodding.

So I decided that writing Jason's death was enough torture for me and our favorite characters. Slow start to the whirlpool of angst that will come. I'm sorry for not mentioning Jason sooner, but to be honest: I only have a small idea what I'm writing.

The team never specified what happens when during the times I, and it's really hard to try to piece it together. I'm so sorry if what I'm writing is confusing, I'm trying to make it as clear as possible.

To answer Koa Akuma and everyone else who's been asking what's going to happen: I won't spoil anything, but if everything goes my way in this story, it will definitely be worth sticking around for.

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