Chapter 58: Is This Really the End?

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Okay so I tried to write basically what happens in YJ: Legacy...But I couldn't. That plot line was just...Really confusing and I just kind of gave up :/

I also decided that I was just going to put everything into this chapter because honestly I've kinda hated writing this time-skip. I really didn't like the whole mini-time-skips and I just want to get on Season 2.

Thank you all so, so, so much for reading this story. I wouldn't have made it this far without your support.

But without further ado...

Seven months later
11 months until season 2

The mission was a success.

Dr. Sandsmark was back home, safe and sound

Klarion's monster was subdued.

But it was paid with a price.

Tula had sacrificed herself, for the good of the world, to entrap the magical creatures of distraction that Klarion had brought to life.

Tula, the girl I've grown close with in the short few months I've known her, the same girl who had earned her place on the team along side her boyfriend.

The girl who this afternoon had died.

The team was cracking. First Jason, now Tula. That was two close deaths in the span of a few months.

Dick was slowly becoming more distant and brooding.

Wally and Artemis were talking about retirement.

Zatanna and Rocket wanted to accept their invitations to the league.

Conner and Megan were arguing 24/7, sometimes not even completely making up.

I was only just able to kick Maia off my couch.

And the moment we got back to the cave and talking with Batman, Kaldur and Garth left.

Everyone had left, and I trudged my way home. My eyes leaking tears as I ignored the world around me, nervously spinning the ring on my finger.

I closed my apartment door and sat down on my couch, curling into a ball.

I was 19 years old. I had been a superhero for 4 years, put away too many evil people, saved too many lives, and saved the world more times then I could count. I was no longer the shy little girl I was when I woke up from my coma. I was more confident now, more sure of myself. I was a teacher, a mentor, a sister, a friend and a daughter. Hell, I was going to be a wife as soon as Kaldur and I felt that it was safe enough to settle down.

My mind saddened as I thought of Tula. She could have been a wife too...But now she was gone, and her death had caused so many emotions to surface...

I sighed as I lowered my head, placing my forehead on my knees.

I heard a soft knock at my door, almost like the person knocking was too tired to put their full strength into it. Had I been doing anything, I probably would have missed it. I knew who it was right away.

I scurried to my feet, running to the door and flinging it open to see Kaldur standing their, his posture defeated and his face tear-stained and full of remorse. Not a second longer, I pulled him into my embrace.

"It's going to be okay.." I muttered softly, even though tears were falling from both our eyes. "It's going to be okay..."

Two months later

The mission required two squadrons. A huge drug ring: one branch in Central and the other in Gotham. The plan was to hit both branches at the same time so that they wouldn't have time to coordinate a lockdown or anything. It was easy to be honest, we'd taken down things much bigger.

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